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poecilotheria rufilata communal


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I was gonna separate the regalis today the last 2 nights it separated itself from the group all the rufilatas were in the hide and the regalis was up the top of the enclosure checked on it today and they are back all together I might get a bigger hide so there a bit more space especially for when they moult next judging by my biggest one if the others turn out like that they will definitely need a bigger hide.


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3 Year Member
Worried they may aggress?

Yeah little bit there all together again now gonna keep them in the same size tank for now and just give the a bigger hide it's quite cute actually there all huddled up in there lol should be fun trying to change hide though see are amazingly fast


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Quick update I changed the hide to a bigger half tube bark and they still seem to want to be scrunched up together but at least there's more space if they do want to web up more.
Also I wanted to see what these pokie slings were capable of and what they would do with a much bigger pray item would they be scared and avoid it or would they take it down so I put in a full grown locust these slings are about 4th instar at first they were a bit wary they were interested but wary then after about 20 mins my biggest sling took the locust down amazing these pokies don't give a s**t how big here's a pic to give you an idea of size comparison


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3 Year Member
Its been 3 weeks since my last update and im getting more moults p regalis and one rufilata has moulted the rufies are looking big. The regalis is still separated from the rest of the group Been like this now for a month even though I transferred them into a slightly bigger hide no aggression shown towards the different pokies so I'll leave it be for now

Martin Oosthuysen

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1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
South Africa, Free State Bloemfontein
Awesome, I hope to do this with my Avic Versicolors after she drops a sac. use a handful of the slings to try it.

I thought when I saw this I should mention something,from all I have read since I'm into Avics. The communal setups tried,not one worked with different specimens. I'm not saying you can't succeed,but in my opinion chances are slim. I would if I were you,go and read up on their natural habitats and studies to see what they've found in the wild. If there's any chance of a communal with them,someone somewhere would have found them living closely together.

Martin Oosthuysen

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
South Africa, Free State Bloemfontein
Replying to this original post,it is your tarantulas and your choice what to do with them. My own opinion,and I emphasize own is to remove the Regalis since if you do have offspring at a later stage you would be in doubt to who the parents are. This will be your decision,and I hope I can appeal to you so to avoid accidental hybrids.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Thanks for the comments Martin I don't plan on leaving the regalis in there i will remove before it matures its just something I need to do to see for myself if mixed pokies are possible.

I have an update actually regarding the regalis I gave the slings a clean out as it was getting messy still waiting on 2 more moults so there all back together in there hide including the regalis now they are in the same hide whether the regalis will separate itself from the group again we will see other than that all is ok thanks for the replys

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