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  • Hello. I am a newbie. After much research I decided on a GBB as my first spider. My only starting concern is they are described as skittish and fast. But I am sure more questions will flood in when she arrives next Tuesday. I did also consider The Nicaraguan Curly Hair and the Chaco Golden Knee so I hope It turns out OK. Nice to meet you.
    Hi, and good luck with your T,
    when it arrives.
    newb to the hobby myself, also went for a GBB as my first T,
    had it now for about 3 months,
    It's an absolutely amazing little creature!
    still a juvenile, very sweet and shy,
    until food is offered!
    all the best
    Thank you! I have had to delay her arrival, she was due to arrive yesterday, as my whole house went down with flu. I’m going to rearrange for when we feel better. Bit nervous but think that’s because I feel so grotty right now. I was all ready and then my cold has made me lose confidence. ‍
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