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  • Anthony York
    Anthony York reacted to Jeef's post in the thread Who's molted today with Like Like.
    Went away on vacation and came back to this. B. aratum and my B. boehmei. As an added bonus, my B. boehmei hooked out this molt.
  • Enn49
    Enn49 reacted to Jeef's post in the thread Who's molted today with Like Like.
    Went away on vacation and came back to this. B. aratum and my B. boehmei. As an added bonus, my B. boehmei hooked out this molt.
  • Jeef
    Jeef replied to the thread Who's molted today.
    Went away on vacation and came back to this. B. aratum and my B. boehmei. As an added bonus, my B. boehmei hooked out this molt.
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  • Jeef
    Jeef reacted to Lawrence b's post in the thread Who's molted today with Like Like.
    Pics that should off been above .
  • Jeef
    Jeef reacted to m0lsx's post in the thread Who's molted today with Like Like.
    Two other molts found today were both of our Brachypelma klaasi's. The one pictured is our small adult female, the other an even...
  • Jeef
    Jeef reacted to m0lsx's post in the thread Who's molted today with Like Like.
    We have had several molts over the past few days but today my largest LP, Big Girl, had a very fresh molt sitting waiting for me as we...
  • Jeef
    Jeef reacted to Enn49's post in the thread Who's molted today with Like Like.
    2 moults found today both a few days old. Phormictopus auratus, Levisa Monocentropus balfouri, Halah
  • Enn49
    Enn49 replied to the thread Sadness….
    There are plenty people on here that will understand how you feel, myself included.
  • S
    siege replied to the thread Substrate ...
    I have a red knee, my 2nd. I always use coco fiber. They like it dry so when it drys out it is perfect.
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  • S
    siege replied to the thread Sadness….
    It’s very sad. But not as sad as realizing I don’t know one person in my life that can relate. So I have to mourn here instead of with...
  • S
    siege reacted to Enn49's post in the thread Sadness… with Like Like.
    Sorry to hear he's hooked out, just enjoy your remaining time with him.
  • Enn49
    Enn49 replied to the thread Sadness….
    Sorry to hear he's hooked out, just enjoy your remaining time with him.
  • S
    Nando, My N. Chromatus, just came out of his den after his molt. There is no missing those tibia hooks. It makes me sad knowing my time...
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  • Josh
    Josh reacted to siege's post in the thread Expecting… with Love Love.
    They arrrive on the 4th!
  • S
    I have a sub adult h. Gigas named Nemo. He is in a 8x8x10 tank with a screen lid. Because he is such a heavy borrower I have about 6...