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Martin Oosthuysen
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  • Hi Martin just want to say hi to a fellow South African. hope i can press on your button if i need advice as i am new to caring for a T. En as jy van bloem af is behoort jy afrikaans te praat wat dit makliker maak vir my haha
    hello i have had my rose hair coming up on a year..ive read that they r burrowing spiders,,my rose hair has yet to burrow, should i b concerned?? thank you
    hey I'm new to turantulas and I want to get into breeding. I just joined this place and don't know if there is one on one messeging,but I saw you and it said you were an active member and I am just asking you if you could help me out.
    hey I'm new to turantulas and I want to get into breeding. I just joined this place and don't know if there is one on one messeging,but I saw you and it said you were a member and I would like some help with this place.. please :p
    question it says I do nto have permission to add media I used too have permission. Did i do something wrong?
    I want to apologize for how I reacted in that thread...I am completely ashamed of myself. Someone I know died, and I was not in the right state of mind...I'm sorry to everyone. I acted like a child and I am ashamed.
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