I'm a new tarantula keeper and I need help deciding on which species I should get for a beginner,here are some on my list:
Brachypelma hamorii (red knee)
Grammostola rosea (red rose hair)
Grammostola pulcripes (chaco golden knee)
Grammostola pulchra (brazillian black)
Brachypelma albopisolum (honduran curly)
Im not sure which one to get, one thing that I want to be able to do is to handle it, and I know even the same species of tarantula exactly can have different personalities like let's say my tarantula is very skittish as a grammostola porteri but other people's grammostola porteri is docile, about that i would have to just hope for the best. Thanks!
Brachypelma hamorii (red knee)
Grammostola rosea (red rose hair)
Grammostola pulcripes (chaco golden knee)
Grammostola pulchra (brazillian black)
Brachypelma albopisolum (honduran curly)
Im not sure which one to get, one thing that I want to be able to do is to handle it, and I know even the same species of tarantula exactly can have different personalities like let's say my tarantula is very skittish as a grammostola porteri but other people's grammostola porteri is docile, about that i would have to just hope for the best. Thanks!