• Are you a Tarantula hobbyist? If so, we invite you to join our community! Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your pets and enclosures and chat with other Tarantula enthusiasts. Sign up today!

new here

  1. H

    Hello everyone!

    Hello, I’ll introduce myself with a few things about me and how I started with the tarantula hobby. I started around 7 years ago now with no knowledge at all apart from a few YouTube videos. I was very intrigued and wanted to get onboard with the hobby. I ordered around 5 slings but never...
  2. S

    Avicularea Enclosure Size Question

    Hey there! I am just starting out my journey into tarantula keeping and I'm not sure what size of a tank to get. The spider I'm getting is an Avicularia Purpurea, hopefully female, so the leg span will be around 5". I have seen a lot of enclosures that are 8"W 8"L 12"H and i was wondering if...
  3. JuruensisFan

    Hello there, everyone!

    Hi there, everyone! My name's Rebecca. Just joined this forum today, and I'm very happy to meet fellow tarantula enthusiasts. I don't know many people irl who like tarantulas the same as I do, so it's nice to be part of a community like this one! I currently have a sub-adult female Brachypelma...
  4. remington

    G pulchripes vs B hamorii vs T albopilosus

    I'm still trying to choose my first tarantula, and I am squarely stuck between these three. I would get all three, but due to my living situation I can only have one. Which species would you recommend for a college junior living in a small dorm? I plan to start off with a sling from Fear Not Ts...
  5. remington

    G pulchripes size?

    Most online sources purport that they can get up to 7-8 inches, sometimes even 9. I’m assuming this is measuring leg span end to end. Is that true? It seems gigantic and I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that large in a video or photo.
  6. remington

    Why are many keepers so staunchly against hybrids?

    I am not here to defend it, because frankly I don't know enough about it to have an opinion on the matter. I'm just genuinely curious about the issues with it.
  7. remington

    Fear Not Tarantulas Full Package

    I just made an account on this site so I apologize if this is not the correct decorum. I do not have any Ts of my own yet, but I have done a ton of research and am looking to get a G. pulchripes as my first one. I was checking out the "full package" from Fear Not Ts and I thought it looked very...
  8. S

    New to this

    Hello everyone, this is my first post. I'm looking for some assistance in finding my first Tarantula. I would prefer to not buy from a pet store. I've done an online search and can't seem to find any breeders or any to adopt. I live in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. Thank you for you assistance.
  9. P

    Is my T a boy or girl

    I have been calling her Tina and I think she is a girl but I’m not really sure Bc this whole time I thought her butt was her head so now realizing she might be a boy. I’m very new to this. What do you think?
  10. SkyLovesTs

    A. Seemanni male or female?

    My T hasn’t molted with me yet so I’m still waiting to check that. I’m thinking male but I call it a she so I want some verification. Thanks!
  11. SkyLovesTs

    Grammostola Pulchripes or Aphonopelma Seemanni??

    Somebody please help me identify my tarantula! I’ve had her for a couple of months now and I want to say she’s a Grammostola Pulchripes but, I’m not sure. Her name is Hestia. Please help me out!!!
  12. J

    Hey! Im having a hard time deciding

    I'm a new tarantula keeper and I need help deciding on which species I should get for a beginner,here are some on my list: Brachypelma hamorii (red knee) Grammostola rosea (red rose hair) Grammostola pulcripes (chaco golden knee) Grammostola pulchra (brazillian black) Brachypelma albopisolum...
  13. trantula_vixxen_420


    Hi there guys and gals, I'm Brandy new here and loving all the info and helpful members out there! If you would have asked me a few years ago if I would ever keep a tarantula I would have said hell no! Flash forward to the present and I've got my 1st T and I'm addicted:) My 3 year old...