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Baby tarantula stung by a tarantula wasp


New Mexico
@Alycia , how is the baby doing?
I’m not really sure he is not very active but I’m not sure how active they really are. he hasn’t eaten anything. I went to the only store that has feeders crickets and wax worms but the were sold out and there is no other store within 69 miles of me I even looked for roaches outside I have a lot but when I go look I can’t find one.


3 Year Member
@Alycia , I don't think food is that important at this point, but I could be wrong. These desert Ts can go in incredibly long time with no food.

I collected an adult female A paloma - the smallest Aphonopelma species in the US (would fit on a nickle as an adult). She ate one small cricket in December that first fall that I had her, and didn't eat anything more for over a year! They have been documented to be in their sealed burrows for over 2 years (and probably not eating)! She's acting strange, and staying active + eating more regularly this year. Maybe she's getting domesticated. :)

Anyway, out in the desert there can be long periods of time with little or no insect activity (like all winter, or even all spring if there are no rains), these Ts have to be used to that.

I'm curious about the elevation at which you live... or what town are you near? I'd like to figure out the species you have, and it's natural habitat.

Take care!



New Mexico
I live in Tularosa NM Elevation 4508. I only really see them when we have the monsoon season I guess their burrows get flooded and they come out maybe their not active as I thought they would be.


3 Year Member
I don't see any collecting records in the recent revision of Aphonopelma for your area, but from your photos and range maps it seems like a possibility that your baby is Aphonopelma gabeli. I'm not extremely confident in that identification, but it seems the best fit.


Well-Known Member
Syracuse NY USA
Im fairly new to this forum but this must be the best thread on the forum. I too was very scared of spiders untill i found a little bold jumping spider in my house and kept it as a pet for a few weeks before releasing it. I then started to research tarantulas and decided to get an avicularia metallica. Im no longer scared of tarantulas or jumping spiders although i still get scared when im laying in bed and a house spider crawos across me. I love the respect and compassion that you are showing to this tarantula despite having a fear of them. I'll definitely be fallowing this thread closely and will be looking forward to every update. You are doing a really cool thing and i hope the updates keep coming. I have a feeling that you have a new pet and will probably end up getting more tarantulas in the future. Thanks for being a great human being.


New Mexico
Im fairly new to this forum but this must be the best thread on the forum. I too was very scared of spiders untill i found a little bold jumping spider in my house and kept it as a pet for a few weeks before releasing it. I then started to research tarantulas and decided to get an avicularia metallica. Im no longer scared of tarantulas or jumping spiders although i still get scared when im laying in bed and a house spider crawos across me. I love the respect and compassion that you are showing to this tarantula despite having a fear of them. I'll definitely be fallowing this thread closely and will be looking forward to every update. You are doing a really cool thing and i hope the updates keep coming. I have a feeling that you have a new pet and will probably end up getting more tarantulas in the future. Thanks for being a great human being.
The poor little thing takes my breath away when it clings to the Syringe when I give it water or when I look for it and don’t see it in it enclosure I think I did fall in love with it tho even tho he/she petrify‘s me.


Well-Known Member
Syracuse NY USA
They are easier than you think to fall in love with. No need to be afraid of them though. It probably wont bite although it could. Anything with teeth or fangs can bite. My avic is so gentle its hard to remember that she isnt a cuddly pet. She is even gentle when taking her food. I think with time and experience you will grow less afraid of them and istead replace the fear with admiration and a healthy respect. Im pretty sure i could do just about anything to my avic and she wouldnt bite me. I dont though. they dont have a need to be held or cuddled but i have a feeling after saving this Ts life you will start to see him/her a little differently. My wife hates spiders and insects and even she has warmed up to my T to the point where she will say something like "awww looj how cute she is the way she walks around her enclosure."


New Mexico
Omg I found a huge roach and I kinda of squished it I felt bad but I cut the head off and put it in with the spider and it move fast but didn’t touch it scared me but I think it will eat it. What do I do just leave it there or take it out in a little while? Thank you for any help.


New Mexico
I squished this roach cut it’s head off a couple of hours ago and it’s still moving the spider is still on top of it How long does it take it to eat it if he is even eating it?


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Malton, UK
I squished this roach cut it’s head off a couple of hours ago and it’s still moving the spider is still on top of it How long does it take it to eat it if he is even eating it?

Hey, that's a great sign :). I'd leave the roach for 24 hours before removing it.

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