• Are you a Tarantula hobbyist? If so, we invite you to join our community! Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your pets and enclosures and chat with other Tarantula enthusiasts. Sign up today!


  1. MysteryInc

    New to the forum

    Hey, I'm Milo! I'm a 29-year old small animal veterinary technician in the US. I've kept tarantulas and other inverts for about a decade now, but was raised in a home that was always full of reptiles and invertebrates. Some of my personal favorites have been my T. stirmi, H. manillensis, and B...
  2. V

    Hi to everyone!

    Hello, I'm a Turkish-Ukranian, studying abroad in Czech Republic. Right now I'm keeping my 3rd tarantula. Before I've looked after the classic beginner tarantula's the G. Rosea and B. Boehmei. Right now I have no idea what type of spider I'm keeping and that's one of the main reasons I joined...
  3. Q


    Hello! I’m a new hobbyist, so far I have a T albo, and A Aviculara, and three Phiddipus regius. I’m excited to be here!
  4. V


    Hi there! I’m a new T keeper and an ex arachnophobic. I got my B. hamorii and B. boehmei a week ago, after almost 4 months of studying species and tarantulas in general. I bought them unsexed and I’m trying to sex them. By the way, they won’t be alone for too long, and i‘m already searching for...
  5. lonertopaz

    The Lone Tarantula Keeper

    Hey Hi Hello My name is Amber. I am a tarantula enthusiast from SW MO and have been in the hobby actively (keeping spoods) for the past 5-7 years. I currently only have one, a female g. Pulchripes, and she has converted from pet rock to pet hole… I haven’t seen her for the better part of a...
  6. FluffyLegz

    Hello everyone!

    Hi! I’m new to the tarantula hobby and currently have 2 tarantulas One is a Brachypelma Smithi (not hamorii) that i named Toaster The other is a Tliltocatl Albopilosus i named Lint Attached to this post are pictures of Lint when i first got them because they were exploring around. Since...
  7. BD073090

    US Rehousing T Collection

    I have a small collection of mostly mature Terrantulas (all different types) that I would like to re-home. I've become a wife and mother of 2 in the past 2 years and because of that...having such a large collection is no longer something that I can dedicate my time to, unfortunately. Please...
  8. Bread_Box_

    Introduction since I was told to do this?

    Hello, I'm Gray, and I came here to research how to take care of a tarantula. My brother got one for his birthday when he was younger, but it has been left completely ignored for years. I couldn't help but feel sad for it, so here I am. If I am doing anything wrong, please tell me. I haven’t...
  9. JuruensisFan

    Hello there, everyone!

    Hi there, everyone! My name's Rebecca. Just joined this forum today, and I'm very happy to meet fellow tarantula enthusiasts. I don't know many people irl who like tarantulas the same as I do, so it's nice to be part of a community like this one! I currently have a sub-adult female Brachypelma...
  10. C

    Introduction :)

    I started my journey falling in love with and eventually purchasing my first tarantula last March (2021) I had experience taking care of t's in the past but had never owned my own! They are called "Luci" :) I am unsure of sex as they are my first and I got them reeeeally small. They have had 5...
  11. Jess Zimny

    First tarantula

    Howdy! My name is Jess, and I'm 18. I am here from Wichita Falls, TX, and a student at Texas A&M University. This is my first time owning a tarantula, it's a common pink toe, and it's name is Beatle! I have 3 Madagascar hissing cockroaches named Rango, John, and George as well. Paul will be...
  12. C

    Hi all

    Hey guys, im new to the forums. Im originally from tampa florida but currently live in southern maryland. I got my first tarantula, a g pulchripes when i was 13 ( ugh almost 20 years ago) from my uncle who had passed away and had her till i was 20 ( which was her age as well). From There i...
  13. Ajbeardow

    Hi everyone!

    Thought I'd take a moment to say "hi" as a new member and new tarantula keeper. I've just started with two Acanthoscurria Geniculata slings from veteran member @Phil (thanks again mate). Super excited to be starting out in the hobby and being a part of the community. Thought I'd leave this...
  14. DeathByGlam

    Hello from Canada!

    Hi! I am quite new to the hobby and forum, I started keeping my first tarantula back in October 2019, a Tliltocatl albopilosum (Nicaraguan form), her funny diva-like personality won me over. She refuses to use the hide I provided and often simply hides her water dish if not burry it- I ordered a...
  15. T

    Intro: hi I’m TurtleManDan

    I currently keep 13 tarantulas, 4 scorpions, 2 centipedes and around 70 reptiles and amphibians. TurtleManDan is a exotic animals breeding collective / wild life rescue. Currently really getting into tarantula breeding projects. Would love some ideas and suggestions for more communal tanks. We...
  16. spiderllamas


    Hello, my name is Jill. I already have an account on arachnoboards, but this forum seems to have a really good community of tarantula owners! I only have one tarantula that I've had for a couple years now, but I'm thinking of getting more. The T that I have right now is just your regular every...
  17. Bertie88

    So nice to be here :-)

    Thanks to @Phil for recommending this as an alternative forum :-) Having had a scan through the site, I’d like to introduce myself and say hey! Having kept reptiles for many years I finally branched out into the world of tarantulas and more recently, scorpions. Though I kept a secret curly...