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New Member
Hi there! I’m a new T keeper and an ex arachnophobic. I got my B. hamorii and B. boehmei a week ago, after almost 4 months of studying species and tarantulas in general. I bought them unsexed and I’m trying to sex them. By the way, they won’t be alone for too long, and i‘m already searching for other specimens to have.
Is there anyone who can advise me on anything? I am looking for beautiful and docile specimens and possibly those who show themselves from time to time. My two Brachypelmas go around a bit almost every night and show themselves off well.

I attach a photo of their first meal with me.


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Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Hi there! I’m a new T keeper and an ex arachnophobic. I got my B. hamorii and B. boehmei a week ago, after almost 4 months of studying species and tarantulas in general. I bought them unsexed and I’m trying to sex them. By the way, they won’t be alone for too long, and i‘m already searching for other specimens to have.
Is there anyone who can advise me on anything? I am looking for beautiful and docile specimens and possibly those who show themselves from time to time. My two Brachypelmas go around a bit almost every night and show themselves off well.

I attach a photo of their first meal with me.
First off, welcome to the forum and the hobby.

I used to have the phobia as well.

For sexing them, just wait for a good molt.

You should look for a G. pulchripes and B. emilia. T. albopilosus are stunning as well.


New Member
First off, welcome to the forum and the hobby.

I used to have the phobia as well.

For sexing them, just wait for a good molt.

You should look for a G. pulchripes and B. emilia. T. albopilosus are stunning as well.
Thank you, I’m gonna look right now! I’m gonna go to the next exotic fair in march, there‘s a lot of time to study!


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Welkom welkom ......
Sexing spiders I still can't do. They always destroy the molt .... And if I think I have a good one I still can't see lol.

I love hte G.pulchra and G.iheringi.
A.geniculata is not very docile (don't handle them) but are amazing spiders. They look great. Always in sight. Eat everything everytime and if they don't eat you can expect a molt upcoming week. I have 4 off them and they are all the same. Even as a small sling they eat always and large .....

All Brachypelma, Tliltocatl, Grammostola are good starteres. Maybe not the B.boehmei ... they are hairkickers


New Member
Welkom welkom ......
Sexing spiders I still can't do. They always destroy the molt .... And if I think I have a good one I still can't see lol.

I love hte G.pulchra and G.iheringi.
A.geniculata is not very docile (don't handle them) but are amazing spiders. They look great. Always in sight. Eat everything everytime and if they don't eat you can expect a molt upcoming week. I have 4 off them and they are all the same. Even as a small sling they eat always and large .....

All Brachypelma, Tliltocatl, Grammostola are good starteres. Maybe not the B.boehmei ... they are hairkickers
Actually the breeder told me but I really wanted him/her and I was right, she never kicked a single hair while, returning home by car, the hamorii kicked a lot


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
Welcome to the forum & the hobby. You have two nice species to start with. Most Brachy's are great T's & even if like my daughters haamorii, they are a psychob-tch, they only flick hairs.

Soap, water & cheap one a day antihistamine tablets are the key to new worlds. We pay less than £1 for 30 tablets & belive me, being woken at 5am with a badly irritated wrist, is best avoided.

Two good T's to concider LP (Lasiodora parahybana.) Is a great T, very underrated, these are simple to keep, have lovely temperaments & grow to impressive sizes. Plus they are generally cheaper than other species. At her last molt, my LP was over 8.5 inches. (22cm.) Aphonopelma seemanni are another underrated T. They look beautiful & are another easy temperament & easy to care for T. Both the above are also species that are often out & about. But be aware as slings, most T's often hide themeselves away.


New Member
Welcome to the forum & the hobby. You have two nice species to start with. Most Brachy's are great T's & even if like my daughters haamorii, they are a psychob-tch, they only flick hairs.

Soap, water & cheap one a day antihistamine tablets are the key to new worlds. We pay less than £1 for 30 tablets & belive me, being woken at 5am with a badly irritated wrist, is best avoided.

Two good T's to concider LP (Lasiodora parahybana.) Is a great T, very underrated, these are simple to keep, have lovely temperaments & grow to impressive sizes. Plus they are generally cheaper than other species. At her last molt, my LP was over 8.5 inches. (22cm.) Aphonopelma seemanni are another underrated T. They look beautiful & are another easy temperament & easy to care for T. Both the above are also species that are often out & about. But be aware as slings, most T's often hide themeselves away.
Thank you so much for the advice. Speaking of antihistamines, I'm very calm, I'm allergic to many things, even the cats I have at home, so my only salvation is those. According to the doctor I should take them every day but I'm afraid that by doing so my body will get used to it so I only take them when I'm really sick but I always have them at home and in my bag for university.

I can’t wait to get other Ts, my boyfriend was really skeptical and scared but as he saw the two Brachypelma’s he told me “well, It wouldn't be any different to have 4 instead of 2” even though even if we already have a leopard gecko, a cornsnake, and we’re planning to get another gecko and other 2 snakes. Our house will be a zoo in like 1 or 2 years ahah


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3 Year Member
Actually the breeder told me but I really wanted him/her and I was right, she never kicked a single hair while, returning home by car, the hamorii kicked a lot

It's always good the seller knows it's animals :).
Both my B.boehmei are hair kickers and I know many that do the same.
But all are individuals as well and they can be very kind. I know a keeper with a G.porteri who's a monster :D


New Member
It's always good the seller knows it's animals :).
Both my B.boehmei are hair kickers and I know many that do the same.
But all are individuals as well and they can be very kind. I know a keeper with a G.porteri who's a monster :D
Tomorrow I’ll change her enclosure bc her leg can slip in the air holes and I’m worried, I don’t want her to be stucked. Let‘s hope that she’s not s kicker ahahah

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