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My male P.metallica matured 3 months ago. I am now selling him.
Message me.of interested. I have just paired him with my female P.metallica. see attached pictures.
Avic .Peru purple sling
h.himalayana earth tiger 5-6 cm
m balfouri 7-8 cm just moulted
Giant white knee- 5-6 cm
Brazilian black and white 5-6
White striped bird eater 4-5
Gbb - 5-6 cm
Harpactira pulchripes
theraphosa apophysis 5-6 cm
MALE sub adult Salmon...
Im wondering why my curly hair looks like it has died? I’ve had her/him around a year now and just found her in water bowl ? Not moving ?
can anyone give me any info on this ?
she has always fed and moulted well ?
Fed once a week , a live cricket.
does not look like she has...
Hi can some one help please , my 8 cm Lasiodora parahybana has just moulted 2 weeks ago , she has been eating fine, as I went in there to feed her a cricket she’s really lethargic, I can literally move her upside down with little reaction? She is still alive but I’m not sure what to do ? I’ve...
I have a collection of 14 taranchulas all different sorts, I have ordered some spring tails from the spidershop.
1. Can I use the in any enclosure.
2. Can I use them with slings.
3.what’s the best way to keep them alive in a enclosure.
4.what’s the best set up to breed them.
5.what do they eat.
Just caught a house spider can anybody tell me what its name is, I am going to release it just wanted to feed it and it took down a beetle its own size lol.
I'm ordering a 10 cm blondi for 95 quid off so many legs, I need some help with the enclosure,substrate and humidity. Could somebody please educate me on the best set up please. UK
Would be very grateful .
Is this set up ok for my Omothymus violaceopes had her 1 week and she looks fat, should I stop feeding her ? She takes down a small cricket with ease.
Can you over feed ?
Can anybody help me with the care sheet, I've got a 2-3 cm sling in a abdoral set up but it seems to be making a burrow and staying in it alot of the time. I've put enough substrate in it for her to do that , she also feeds quite a lot?