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Hey people! I am not normally a seller, so I don't need a profit, I just want to make back approx what I put into this. I found a P audax on my car in/at Lake Tahoe, Nevada. She was gravid and I ended up with 3 sacs of babies. I am currently in Oklahoma City for the summer and really want to...
I've been lurking here for about a month or so. Not T. related but curious in anyone can help me ID this little thing. I am located in NE Wisconsin I cant seem to find much info on one that looks like this.
Thanks y'all!
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The pregnant mothers were caught locally in Albuquerque. The slings were born in captivity and start losing their instinctive fear of people pretty quickly, such that the oldest Phidippus Comatus slings have no fear of humans and like to use my hand as a jungle gym.
I made a free wiz website...
Hey my names aj and i recently purchased a jumping spider i think they are really cool spiders and its the first spider ive ever owned so hopefully i can get some advice on keeping a jumping spider
Getting bigger! The blonde hairs over the iridescent scales makes them look like lil gold nuggets.
One more molt and these guys will be able to eat mini mealworms