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What kind of tricks can your pet Tarantula do?

christine henderson

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3 Year Member
Ahh i bet you Will have many years with her. My delilah is arpund 25 and still active and enjoying life. She looks as if someone has tipped talcum powder on her as she has gone grey . Charlotte does sound amazing i bet she has you wrapped around her finger!
Yes, I have to treat Charlotte with great respect. She is quite moody and I have to judge this before I attempt to approach her. Most times time is docile and friendly but on odd occasions she waves her front legs at me and I know to leaver her be. I'm the only one she lets in her tank. My daughter put her hand in once and got hair flicked. Her hand was itchy and red for days. I wonder how they know the difference because their eyesight isn't too good.


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Yes, I have to treat Charlotte with great respect. She is quite moody and I have to judge this before I attempt to approach her. Most times time is docile and friendly but on odd occasions she waves her front legs at me and I know to leaver her be. I'm the only one she lets in her tank. My daughter put her hand in once and got hair flicked. Her hand was itchy and red for days. I wonder how they know the difference because their eyesight isn't too good.
I dont know what delilah was like as a baby she was around fifteen when i got her and she is the sweetest loveliest spider ever and has cured lots of arachnophobes there is not a word for how much i love her. I Will be in bits when she dies. Ive never seen her threaten or flick hair she loves nothing more than sitting on someones lap and watching tv. Charlotte sounds like a typical clever Chile there is obviously something she recognises in you and she doesnt want anyone else.

christine henderson

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3 Year Member
Yes, I do think they know the difference even though they don't see too good. It continually amazes me how they have this ability to to distinguish this. Even though their eyesight is poor compared to ours, I know she watches me when when she at the front of the tank.


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Yes, I do think they know the difference even though they don't see too good. It continually amazes me how they have this ability to to distinguish this. Even though their eyesight is poor compared to ours, I know she watches me when when she at the front of the tank.
Yes i am sure all of mine watch me when i am by there cabinet. The difference in there personalities amazes me.


3 Year Member
California, USA
Mine all do the feeding happy dance. Two of my spiderlings can eat up to three crickets at once! And the love their backs scratched softly... My Rosie plays w his food, spitting it out then again picking it up w his fangs to feed again... He'll do this usually three times per cricket. Needs to learn some manners!!!


3 Year Member
California, USA
I now have 5 tarantulas: an adult male Rosie, Mexican red-knee spiderling, a Pinktoe spidering, an adult female Carls Bad Green, and an anonymous male Aphonopelma given to us by a kind gentleman on Sat oct 27 at the Corsegold, CA.

The Rosie , Carlsbad,and aphonopelma all shake hands w ehichever leg I choose... If they r cAlm they let u do it :)


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mine all do the "happy dance" when feeding... GET DOWN!!
Yes I thought I mite start dancing around with my dinner like a t apparently it burns calories. I still think its funny that anyone can get that excited over a cricket .


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