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The Lone Tarantula Keeper


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Greetings and welcome aboard! It is wintertime, so a good chunk of my crew has buried themselves. It is all just part of the game for new world terrestrials.

Has yours done it before? My G. pulchra buried herself for 4 or 5 months at one point.


New Member
Greetings and welcome aboard! It is wintertime, so a good chunk of my crew has buried themselves. It is all just part of the game for new world terrestrials.

Has yours done it before? My G. pulchra buried herself for 4 or 5 months at one point.
Thank you!

No, this is the first time she’s ever done this with me. In the past she’s gone down in her burrow and just relaxed, but this time she actually closed it off. There is a tiny sliver at the top covered with a thin layer of web that I can still shine a light into to check and make sure she’s not crumpled up though. It goes without saying that I’ve been keeping her water full and even put some water in the corner with the most substrate. I guess my thinking is she can suck the water out of the substrate if she feels thirsty… I really hope she’s not gone that long!! She’s my only T and I already miss seeing her goofy butt…