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Today I got a new T, brachypelma emilia spiderling! She/he is so tiny and adorable! I've felt a little bit sad lately, and I didn't think something that small could cheer me up so quickly, but it did! Love that itsy-bitsy spider.
I am really worried about feeding her though, because local pet shops don't have anything smaller than grown mealworms/crickets that are 10 times of her size. They do sell small live worms for aquarium fish, would it be harmless for her to try with these? They look like this
They should be ok. I fed my first slings pieces of grown crickets I chopped up for a couple months until I found a place that sold wee ones. Just watch the humidity, be wary of mold, and enjoy. They are so much tougher than they look. I don't think I will EVER buy a MF/MM unless I have a breeding project going, or it is another rescue.