If you want to really prepare for OW arboreals, it is often recommended to get a specimen within the Psalmopoeus genus (ex: P. Irminia), a good stepping stone species for OW terrestrials is Phormictopus cancerides (they are easier to find) or any species in the pamphobeteus genus (platyomma is fairly common) (solaris is the one keepers dream of owning, but do not wish to go bankrupt buying one).Yes actually after doing some more research I don’t think I’m quite ready yet for a pokie...I am getting a g. pulchra and p. sazimai in a couple weeks and I may also add either a grammostola iheringi or an m. balfouri along with an avic. to the order. At least the avic. will help prepare me for the arboreal OW’s.