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A highly variable species, Californicus was once considered to be six or more different species due to their wide array of colors and dorsal patterns before the 2004 revision to the genus Phidippus, which has rendered many names to be synonyms of other species already known.
The 'Dear jumper'. Metaphidippus is a genus of dendryphantine salticidae closely related to phidippus and paraphidippus.
the genus epithet means 'Beyond phidippus' a reference to said close relation. 'Paraphidippus' can also mean 'beyond', but more accurately translates to 'Beside phidippus'
Shipping is only done via FedEx priority overnight express or standard priority overnight.
The general costs are $50-55 per box but may be more if you purchase a large order. Domestic ONLY!
I strongly suggest you have any specimen(s) shipped to a FedEx dangerous goods shipping facility...
a beautiful habronattus species with a snow-white color. the southern population of which may be a subspecies is mostly pure white. Like all habronattus species, these are terrestrial jumping spiders and mostly spend their time walking around on the ground.
unsexed immature pairs- $130
Payment via paypal
shipping price varies by box size and dimensional weight. I cannot offer these wholesale, i am sorry.
This is a desert loving species that actually loves high heat and dryness. they can go much longer without food or water than other...
Hi, I’m new here so please forgive me if I’m doing it wrong. I got this beautiful gray Regius at a reptile expo last weekend. My breeder said that its a male, and I usually trust her judgement, but I’m having doubts. What do you think?