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So at my local pet store I was looking at their spiders and they have an Ephebopus uatuman that I want SO bad!!! He was being housed quite poorly and was very unhappy, so I offered to rehouse him for them just so I could see him and he is so pretty!!!!! I got a picture of him. Unfortunately they...
So I'm not sure if I should be worried or not. My L. Parahybana has been fasting for about a month now. She recently molted and ate a few times after but then just stopped. I did rehouse her and used a new substrate. The brand is called reptisoil which is a mixture of peat moss, Soil, sand, and...
I just picked up an absolutely gorgeous E. Murinus from my local pet store today. 30 bucks for quite the sizable specimen. I do not know the sex but I will post pictures as soon as I possibly can.
May I bother you marvelous people for some care and husbandry tips for this species? Please and...
Sooo I just got the first moltime that hasn't been destroyed by my GBB. I'm leaning towards male/too small to tell still. What do YOU guys and gals think? Hope the pictures are good enough lol. It's kind of fun looking into the molt though. Seeing the book lungs and inside of the carapace and...
So, my little preschooler has a show and tell every so often and we are allowed to bring pets and such to show off. My question is...what is the best way to show off something like your T with as little stress as possible but have them visible? What's the best way to set up a little transport...
They will be here probably around Tuesday but I finally have the 4 P. Irminia slings ordered and will be on their way as soon as Tanya from sends them off. I cant even describe how excited I am about this. I even already have their enclosures set up minus the water dishes...
Ok first off this guy's is absolutely stupid....I think.... and second WHAT is this spider doing? Those fangs can sink into a hisser like it was made of since the fangs aren't even breaking the skin what is this? Doesn't seem defensive or anything. This spider like "nibbling" this...
Ok so one thing I've been so amazed about in my short time as a serious T keeper is how they are shipped. Honestly I had NO idea they could be bought online until I started collecting and have been in awe about how they are packaged. So out of curiosity and such on how it's done I looked up a...
So are we sure OBTs are terrestrial? I rehoused my little vicious after her molt had her a bit too large for her deli cup. She decided to make her home up in the corner. A nice hide of cork bark, couple inches of substrate to dig in and even some fake plants for web anchors and she webbed up the...
Ok so some ventral pictures of my LP since she chewed up her molt. I say female from everything I've seen about ventral sexing haha. And a bonus top shot of Olive strutting her stuff.
I just had quite the experiance with my N. Chromatus haha... for those of you that happen to have an N. Chromatus, are they known for defensive behaviour? Mine is rather skittish and quite um... spirited is a good word I think haha. So I took her out of her enclosure yesterday to do some...
Ok so I'm sitting in a meeting. Bored out of my mind. Thinking of Tarantulas and wondering which one to get next (probably not for a while. Promised the wife I'd wait til my Slings are at least juveniles before getting anymore) but the Psalmopoeus species have caught my eye. Mainly the irminia...
But I say I'm just excited because now I have added to my little growing collection a brand new little OBT Sling!
At a local pet store here they got in a Sling and a good sized female juvenile. Ohh man I should have gotten a picture of the juvenile, she was ABSOLUTELY gorgeous!! And so feisty...
Ok ladies and gents, my wife brought this to my attention today, what looked to be a very pretty brown T with blond or at least light brown hairs. Her friend was selling the little guy/girl for 20 dollars. It was in what looked to me like a miserable state..on some sort of bark chip substrate...
Just received my order from they had an awesome package deal for a 1in GBB sling with enclosure good for 6 months at least with substrate and fake plants and such. Perfect beginners package. They have a fantastic Live Arrival Garuntee and ship only overnight fed ex. The...
So I was trying to find a good video of someone handling a Nhandu Chromatus to show a friend how big my little Vivian will get and came across this video. Now I'm pretty new to having a T and I have handled a few with friends who know what they are doing and actually hope Vivian will be ok with...
OK yes I know weird title but I've no idea what it is. Long story short, I went to feed Vivian (my N. Chromatus) and noticed down in her burrow and on the side of the enclosure in her hide there were what looked to be like a thick almost syrupy like liquid. i have a couple of pictures attached...
So I have had my little N. Chromatus for about 2 weeks now which I have affectionately named Vivian. Been feeding her little medium crickets about 3 times a week. She loves them and devours them every chance she gets with out mercy. Have even watched her pounce on them from across her enclosure...
Alright, Well I looked through quite a few threads and have seen many molt pictures and others of the underside of the T's. Say my little N. Chromatus is on the glass, what would I be looking for on the underside? I assume the general area to look is where you'd look on a molt yes? but what...