Today sees the moult of my Phormictopus atrichomatus, Taino
Sadly yesterday my Psalmopoeus pulcher, Pacora, moulted in its webbing, clambered out, walked over to its water bowl then curled up and died at the side of it.
Psalmopoeus ecclesisticus. Tulcan, was at least visible from the back of its terrarium. The moult is just visible in the web at the bottom.
I have a little bitty one of these. I love him. I can't wait until he gets to be the size of yours. Love the fuzzy legs.
Wow. Just wow. And such excellent pics too.My pokie queen emerged today after molting a few days ago... Mature female Poecilotheria ornata
Can't wait to see that!!! Do you know the sex yet???Sahara, my Stromatopelma calceatum has moulted but there is too much web to get a photo at present.
Can't wait to see that!!! Do you know the sex yet???
Can you send it to someone in the forum on your side of the pond? I'd do it for you but it might be spendy for shipping.I'm planning to rehouse in a couple of weeks so there should be some pics then. I might have ago at soaking the moult to see if I can sex it.but I usually manage to make a mess of them.
Can you send it to someone in the forum on your side of the pond? I'd do it for you but it might be spendy for shipping.
If exuviae is in good shape I’d be happy to sex it for you