Fast, aggressive and sometimes reclusive.
My pulcher are always out, but Irminia,Cambridgei,Reduncus are all pet holes.
Yep, arboreal
The Venezuelan Suntiger (Psalmopoeus irminia) is a striking tarantula species from Venezuela and hence considered a New World species. It has hairy legs which are typically dark in color (pronominally black) with a black carapace. Males are generally a slightly lighter, more faded color than females. The female has a striking coloration with bright orange chevrons on their long legs and a tiger stripe design on its abdomen. It is a large species, regularly reaching lengths of up to 6 inches. It has a medium growth rate and is an arboreal (tree dwelling) species.
It has an aggressive temperament and is quite skittish and unpredictable with considerable speed when it rushes. It is unable to keep up these high speeds for long. It is not recommended to handle this species because of its disposition and also due to the strong venom which can come in the form of multiple bites. The venom of the P. irminia is quite potent and can have a lot of negative effects such as full body aches, fever, and lightheadedness. However, it is important to note that like all other tarantula species, the venom cannot kill you. If given a choice, it would rather flee.[1] This species is not recommended for inexperienced owners.
It thrives with temperatures of 80/85°F with 75/80% humidity levels. Being an arboreal species, it requires a tall enclosure. Height is more important than floor space, and oftentimes the spider will make use of something to allow it to climb, such as cork bark. It will only require about 2 inches of substrate. It has a tendency to web up the enclosure.[
Lmao.. yes, Definitely.. im going to stick to my slow, docile, shy ones.. lol.. except i do want one with a little spunk and attitude.. im thinking eventually of getting a G. Rosea. Something to keep me on my toes when im walking by, lolDefinitely different than a B.Emilia. lol