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Scrible, a new T. owner from Oklahoma


3 Year Member
I am relatively new to keeping T.'s and became interested in them after taking an Entomology class last year. The first T. I picked up is my Paraphysa scrofa named Peaches. He is a mature male and is only about 2" in diameter. He is a lot of fun, very active, and has a pretty funny personality. We are unsure how much longer he is going to live so we are enjoying the time we have with him.

My larger T. is named Stig (named after the Top Gear character). I believe she is a Grammastola porteri but I don't know for sure. I rescued her from Craigslist about a week ago, she was living in relatively poor conditions previously. I am hoping Stig is a female as thats what she looks like ventrally, but we will have to wait on a molt to find out. Stig is about 3.5-4" at the moment and is very plump. I was told by the previous owner she is 1-2 years old, but I think she could be older based on the growth rates I have read for this species. He said that Stig was about 1-1 1/2 inches when he got her, and that was about a year ago. So far Stig has been extremely docile, and hasn't shown any signs of aggression, but she is also a little bit shy and skittish. So far she has managed to web up the floor of her enclosure.

I hope to be able to contribute to this community in some way as I have already learned lots from my questions and research here. Here are some photos of my tarantulas:

Stig.jpg Molt Mat.jpg Peaches1.jpg Peaches2.jpg

Martin Oosthuysen

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
South Africa, Free State Bloemfontein
I am relatively new to keeping T.'s and became interested in them after taking an Entomology class last year. The first T. I picked up is my Paraphysa scrofa named Peaches. He is a mature male and is only about 2" in diameter. He is a lot of fun, very active, and has a pretty funny personality. We are unsure how much longer he is going to live so we are enjoying the time we have with him.

My larger T. is named Stig (named after the Top Gear character). I believe she is a Grammastola porteri but I don't know for sure. I rescued her from Craigslist about a week ago, she was living in relatively poor conditions previously. I am hoping Stig is a female as thats what she looks like ventrally, but we will have to wait on a molt to find out. Stig is about 3.5-4" at the moment and is very plump. I was told by the previous owner she is 1-2 years old, but I think she could be older based on the growth rates I have read for this species. He said that Stig was about 1-1 1/2 inches when he got her, and that was about a year ago. So far Stig has been extremely docile, and hasn't shown any signs of aggression, but she is also a little bit shy and skittish. So far she has managed to web up the floor of her enclosure.

I hope to be able to contribute to this community in some way as I have already learned lots from my questions and research here. Here are some photos of my tarantulas:

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Haha,got to love the Stig !