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About a year, just under. I like this desert species. All my other scorpions are emperors. I haven't seen my giant desert hairy in a while. Hides a lot and every once in a while I see it cruising around in the morning.
Large, showy, not gonna kill me ones. Primarily looking and reading up on Emperor's, since I was so taken with them at the expo. I am totally open to suggestions. You haven't led me wrong yet.
P.Imps(emperor) are Great scorps. They're a tropical sp, that will burrow if given the chance. They are communal, but do best in smaller groups. They're voracious eaters, and seldom sting, their pincers are deceptively strong though.
I haven't ever tried breeding desert hairy species. I have read that they are extremely difficult to raise in captivity. In the wild they can have 6 foot deep burrows for accurate temperature and humidity requirements. Of course that's not the case in a terrarium. Has anyone done this or attempted it before? I'm very interested about it.
Yeah like you said you see the desert hairy when you go outside. I believe most of them here in Canada are wild caught. Would be cool to try breeding them. Just nervous about it if its caused people trouble before.
I have a friend who has done well with scorpions in the past, I'll see if he has any Experience with Arizonensis next time I see him; and I'll get back to you.