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roaches establishing in your house


omaha, nebraska, usa
Does anybody have any firsthand or direct secondhand knowledge of any type of feeder roach, especially Red Runners, establishing in a house? I don’t just mean whether they have ever infested your house, but whether any of them have even set up a small, self-sustaining colony somewhere.

I’ve read in many places that they can, but I have yet to come across a credible post confirming that they actually did.

for what it's worth...I am hoping to not start a debate as to whether or not they can infest your house but only curious if they actually have


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Does anybody have any firsthand or direct secondhand knowledge of any type of feeder roach, especially Red Runners, establishing in a house? I don’t just mean whether they have ever infested your house, but whether any of them have even set up a small, self-sustaining colony somewhere.

I’ve read in many places that they can, but I have yet to come across a credible post confirming that they actually did.

for what it's worth...I am hoping to not start a debate as to whether or not they can infest your house but only curious if they actually have
All depends on where you live and what got loose, if you live in a warm climate and a gravid female got loose then yes definitely. If you live somewhere cold and a small nymph or male gets loose then no chance at all and it will just be a gradual curve when editing the scenarios if it's possible or not.
I live in Scotland and through the summer, yes, if a gravid red runner got loose then it would cause an issue, but right now its freezing so she wouldn't stand much chance. They can survive alot but they can't breed in the low temps.
Any story's you have read are likely from warm regions where an escape would result in an infestation.
When you say self sustaining colony, if it is loose in you're house that is called an infestation, when you have it in a tub it's called a colony so there is no difference in what you are trying to explain as different.
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omaha, nebraska, usa
All depends on where you live and what got loose, if you live in a warm climate and a gravid female got loose then yes definitely. If you live somewhere cold and a small nymph or male gets loose then no chance at all and it will just be a gradual curve when editing the scenarios if it's possible or not.
I live in Scotland and through the summer, yes, if a gravid red runner got loose then it would cause an issue, but right now its freezing so she wouldn't stand much chance. They can survive alot but they can't breed in the low temps.
Any story's you have read are likely from warm regions where an escape would result in an infestation.
When you say self sustaining colony, if it is loose in you're house that is called an infestation, when you have it in a tub it's called a colony so there is no difference in what you are trying to explain as different.
for what it's worth...I am hoping to not start a debate as to whether or not they can infest your house but only curious if they actually have


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3 Year Member
I had escapes from my (now defunct) red runner colony. I haven't had any show up in the glue traps in over a year, so no, they didn't set up shop here. I'll never do a red runner colony again. They were a pain to deal with for me.

My dubia colony had a couple small ones sneak out as well. Oddly enough, they don't even go very far. I found them on the lid and nowhere else. I've never had one show up in the afore mentioned glue traps.


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Norwich, UK
Some species of roach will be able to breed in UK homes if they escape. But as far as I know, not red runners. Or not, unless you live in a very warm home, as they need temperatures over 80F to breed.

I know someone who cancelled a visit from us, as she was clearing escaped roaches from a warm cupboard. But that could have been an excuse. lol

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