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Thanks for the positivity guys. Fingers are crossed. Be careful this weekend. Some funky weather and snow gonna hit you Casey. Its gonna get down to 40s here.
The stork brought me not one but TWO little Chevys. Doc , Thank you so much. My kids we're in awe of these little balls of hairy energy. I was worried when I opened the little bundles, but extremely surprised when one ran out on to my hand. I purchase pinheadss and set the babies up in separate housing. The smaller of the two jumped on one of the pinhead, the other is cleaning itself it seems. Both are very active.
I cannot thank you enough Doc, the expression of amazement and awe on my 8 year old was PRICELESS thanks to you.
Sweet glad they got there safe! Keep the slings on moist sub though that sub is too dry. I keep my adult cambridgei on dry but definitely not slings, of any species for that matter
I'll stick to crickets then. These P. Cams are addicting to watch. One is non stop active. The other has been more secluded but already eating good. I misted one side of the tank to throw some moisture in.