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Grumpy old man rant.....


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Queens, NY
Its great having forums like this and they are a massive credit to the people who contribute to them. Before I began keeping tarantulas I bought a slew of books. I like to read. But I found all but two were pretty useless. It's forums like this that have progressed the hobby and make us all better tarantula keepers. When I first started out I asked all kinds of stupid questions but I have gotten great guidance and I'm grateful. Now I feel confident and able to pass on the knowledge I learnt here to others. That's something the long timers here should be proud of. Thank you.
Thank you for the kind words.


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Queens, NY
We do appreciate all your knowledge.
That is very kind of you to say but keep in mind that there are much more experienced keepers on this forum providing better and more accurate advices. I never miss a chance to learn something new from them and sometimes I also learn from people having their first T.
The main goal (at least for me) is not a popularity contest or to always be right but rather to share some of the experiences I had with my Ts, hoping that some might help others while always keeping the Ts happiness as my main goal.
I know some will already think that Ts are not “happy” but I can prove with pictures that some of my Ts are so happy to see me sometimes that they are desperately trying to high-five me!
Keep your energy and enthusiasm up @arachbiodude, it is nice and refreshing to see.

Nurse Ratchet

Well-Known Member
South Carolina
I like your old man rant. And I like this forum. There are a handful of y'all who really stick out and have made me feel truly welcome here and comfortable asking my stupid questions (like how to respond with a lol or love instead of just like)?? Everyone I have encountered has been kind and courteous, and sometimes really, really funny.
You have a big heart, an awesome collection, gorgeous enclosures, and a wealth of knowledge to share.
Don't get too discouraged. You never know which panicked, no-introduction newbie might stick around to truly appreciate you.
(Sorry for "too many words" in advance)


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Queens, NY
@Oursapoil After reading this post I pray you never have to read anything in r/Tarantulas… *shudders*
I had to google what was r/Tarantulas :oops: and now my head is filled with thing I can’t unseen!
Thankfully I have no interest in the board, Facebook or Reddit and can just focus my attention on being a grumpy old man here :cool:
I can’t afford to spend too much “tarantulas” time online (except when at work of course :p) considering this would make the wife, son and all my Ts quite upset that I would have less time for them.
Shiver no more my friend and to make up for the horrible sight I endured on Reddit I am leaving you with another thing you can’t unseen and your pancakes will now never taste the same,




I had to google what was r/Tarantulas :oops: and now my head is filled with thing I can’t unseen!
Thankfully I have no interest in the board, Facebook or Reddit and can just focus my attention on being a grumpy old man here :cool:
I can’t afford to spend too much “tarantulas” time online (except when at work of course :p) considering this would make the wife, son and all my Ts quite upset that I would have less time for them.
Shiver no more my friend and to make up for the horrible sight I endured on Reddit I am leaving you with another thing you can’t unseen and your pancakes will now never taste the same,

muahahaha!!!!!View attachment 63798

yUmmY :oops:


Constructive criticism: the constant sarcastic ‘welcome to the forum…’ posts have totally put me off posting much on here, to the point where this will most likely be my last post. Honestly no big deal because I’ve kept lots of Ts over the years despite only recently rejoining the hobby, so I’m confident/comfortable with most husbandry related stuff & know where to find information if needs be - but just please think about the total newbies you’ll be scaring away who might really need the support/advice.

Internet forums aren’t what they were - like it or not, they’re not most peoples go-to for initial research. The chances are the majority of newcomers will be here after frantically googling stuff in a panic - the last thing on their mind will be to make a nice little intro post; their goal is the same as yours, happy, healthy Ts & often initial posts on animal related forums will be with panicked questions to try & solve an immediate ‘issue’.
Constructive criticism: the constant sarcastic ‘welcome to the forum…’ posts have totally put me off posting much on here, to the point where this will most likely be my last post.
I've been lurking significantly longer than I've been posting/commenting and had been wondering what the deal was with those comments. I did not connect it until this thread with people not doing intro posts. I hope that hasn't scared away any newer keepers, there are definitely some recent posts I would like to hear the updates on.

I did however do an introduction post before I finally commented or made any posts, I just was here reading/searching for a while before I felt comfortable commenting.
Ok, call me grumpy but I find it tiring to see so many entitled "New Members" joining the forum everyday.
  1. Not bothering to introduce themselves or even to try to see how the forum works.
  2. Making demands as if they were owed assistance and answers.
  3. Many not having the slightest clue of what a T is before buying one.
  4. Not thanking or even acknowledging the people trying to help or their answers.
  5. Many leaving as fast as they came in.
It is just draining to see the very same things, day after day without much improvements regardless of the admins efforts to make this a better place.
I am also fully aware that most of the time we are not trying to help a completely rude person/stranger but rather to try to save or improve the quality of life of Ts who never had a say on where and who they ended up with but can we take a break from the jerks?
Of course we do not all have to be friends and love each others but we are coming here because of our shared love of the 8 legged critters, to share experiences and support each others.
It is not my place to decide but at this point I would feel like new members who do not bother to introduce themselves, be nice or do a minimum research on the forum before asking questions, should just be encouraged to try Arachnoboards instead.... After the good spanking they'll get there they might at last be able to fully appreciate the welcoming and family feeling we get to enjoy on this forum.

My two cents :)
I think its likely because forums aren't as common of a website format nowadays unfortunately. All four forums I'm on suffer from a lot of new members joining, making an emergency post, never returning (or at least never replying again) to read the responses to it, and never updating how the situation ended. It can be very draining, but I also understand that forums are a totally different beastie than other social medias and I don't think many people realize that initially when joining them anymore.

Nurse Ratchet

Well-Known Member
South Carolina
I myself came here panicked and hoping to find some advice after an unsuccessful internet search. I'd never been on a forum. I didn't introduce myself.
My concerns were addressed timely and responses were polite.
I find the sarcasm seems to be reserved for the non urgent posts, like "what sex is my T" and such.
Genuine concerns are addressed with genuine help, with or without an introduction.

Casey K.

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Constructive criticism: the constant sarcastic ‘welcome to the forum…’ posts have totally put me off posting much on here, to the point where this will most likely be my last post. Honestly no big deal because I’ve kept lots of Ts over the years despite only recently rejoining the hobby, so I’m confident/comfortable with most husbandry related stuff & know where to find information if needs be - but just please think about the total newbies you’ll be scaring away who might really need the support/advice.

Internet forums aren’t what they were - like it or not, they’re not most peoples go-to for initial research. The chances are the majority of newcomers will be here after frantically googling stuff in a panic - the last thing on their mind will be to make a nice little intro post; their goal is the same as yours, happy, healthy Ts & often initial posts on animal related forums will be with panicked questions to try & solve an immediate ‘issue’.

I'm just curious....what makes you feel that the "welcome to the forum" posts are sarcastic? I know it may seem a bit vague but I feel that when members say that to someone new that they genuinely mean it. It is of pure intent. I'm sorry you feel that way and hope you stick around. You are an asset to this hobby just as the rest of us are in some way. We can all help each other and contribute as long as we put forth the effort. :)


Well-Known Member
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Tarantula Club Member
Queens, NY
Constructive criticism: the constant sarcastic ‘welcome to the forum…’ posts have totally put me off posting much on here, to the point where this will most likely be my last post. Honestly no big deal because I’ve kept lots of Ts over the years despite only recently rejoining the hobby, so I’m confident/comfortable with most husbandry related stuff & know where to find information if needs be - but just please think about the total newbies you’ll be scaring away who might really need the support/advice.

Internet forums aren’t what they were - like it or not, they’re not most peoples go-to for initial research. The chances are the majority of newcomers will be here after frantically googling stuff in a panic - the last thing on their mind will be to make a nice little intro post; their goal is the same as yours, happy, healthy Ts & often initial posts on animal related forums will be with panicked questions to try & solve an immediate ‘issue’.
Thank you @purplerex for sharing your opinion.
The same way (call me silly) I would expect someone to do a minimum research before bringing a live animal in their home, I would expect someone joining a forum to take a minute to read the email and recommendations they received right after signing up.
My time should be as precious as theirs after all and I am always happy helping people as long as they are willing to make the effort. Sometimes my “Welcome to the forum” can be sarcastic, sometimes it can be genuine. If a “welcome to the forum…” gives you the desire to leave this forum I completely respect your opinion, the grass is after all always greener on the other side of the fence and I heard of another forum for tarantulas lovers out there.
Have a wonderful day (that’s sincere!) and thank you again for being part of the conversation.

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