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My Chaco stands up with its abdomen into the air.. i just rehoused her... at first i though its to hot but it is only 24 degrees C. Sometimes she even points her abdomen into the air like slings do when they to hot.
See I mated her just more than a year back. May/june last year... she molted it out about august... so i mated her again plenty of times up till now.. she doesnt become fat... I am battling sooo much.. so I rehoused her and pushed up the humidity and temperature... but since she is in the new enclosure she was standing like that... always high but sometimes with the abdomen into the air... it is new clean and sterilised substrate. And she has not been eating for a few months now.... I dont know if it is a threat posture because she is not skittish or nothing? I also washed the enclosure before I put her there.. I dont know if she maybe smells the previous T that was in there...