I have a few chicken spiders B. vagans (Redrum) thinks he's hidden away from everything but he's burrowed down the enclosure in the corner in plain view and spends all of his time there "out of sight"After posting by picture collection on 1st January, there was a notable ommission. My Monocentropus balfouri - Socotra Island Blue Baboon - "Skai"
This lovely little T has been hunkered up in her new enclosure where it has built some wonderful webbing and tunnels so I can only assume that it has a severe case of Arachgroaphobia.... in other words a spider with a fear* of leaving the house....lol
So my fellow forum buddies, and just for a bit of fun, what T do you have with a similar condition? Let's have name, pet name and date last seen shall we then we can build up a day count for the winner.
Just for a bit of fun here is Skai....with the front door well and truly shut on me and my prying camera. Not been seen since rehoused 45 days ago.
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* I know it is not really "fear" and it is natural bahaviour but thought it would make a good thread and a new word! Maybe I need to get out more and meet more interesting people!!!!
A. geniculata (Savage) has been in his hide since we got him except when he dug under the edge of the cork bark and it started to tip, he's a smart spider and wouldn't go back inside the hide until i fixed it. The only other time i saw him out of his hide was a few days after his molt. He was sitting on the edge of the recently moistened sphagnum moss and i was able to sneak his exo out of his hide and get a pic. that was 12/28 i believe.
My son and I each have a B. Albo (Moe is mine, Larry is my son's) and the only way i've been able to see Moe since he arrived was when i rehoused him last week as his burrows started to colapse and i didn't want him to get crushed. Yeah i know he would have been fine and dug his way out but it made me feel better.
Larry has burrowed from the center of his enclosure straight to the bottom and has hollowed out almost half of the bottom of his enclosure. Luckily his sub is holding shape well . We only see him on feeding days and that's only if the lateralis roach is fast enough to get by him and down to the bottom of the enclosure. He's a ferocious eater too, like it pissed him off he let the roach get by him lol
Then the B. boehmei (Koby) always is in his hide also but he has dug the burrow to the side of the enclosure so he's easily seen.
G. Rosea (Gram) doesn't hide, just sits out on the sub or cork bark and does nothing. My little 1/4" pet rock lol he doesn have a small burrow against the side of his inclosure but it's just deep enough for him to get below the surface.
C. cyanopubescens (Marley) has made a cool web tunnel in the corner under the fake leaves. If you count that as hiding he's always hid easy to see him thorugh the web and each end of his tunnel though.