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Bought a Rose, and it has problems


New Member
3 Year Member
Hello all,

I need some help, I bought a Rose from PetCo (I will never do that again) about a week ago. I notice some problems and thought really nothing about it. Upon closer examination of her I noticed that she only have one eye, which makes feeding quite hard. My question is will there be a new eye when she molts, and how do I keep her alive until then. She is about 5 months old (that is according to Petco). I think something happen during a molt at the store for her to lose an eye. Very concerned.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
Very very sorry to hear this!
Can you post some photos so we can see what you're describing? I suppose, from what you've told us, that it is possible that she will be able to see clearly after a fresh molt but an expert would have to see some photos and chime in


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Where the Spiders are.
Never ever believe anything PetCo tells you. If your rosie is 5 months old, it will fit on your pinkie nail, with room to spare. The tarantula will be fine until it molts. You may want to to take off the jump legs of crix, if you feed those - to avoid further injury to your tarantula. Also: it would be a good idea to monitor any live prey that you put in. If it has trouble catching the prey, maybe try guiding the prey so that it goes near the Tarantula.

I too bought my first tarantula from a PetCo. A rosie. I saw that she was a sub-adult just days from a molt, and that she was indeed a female. 10 days after I bought her, she molted into a beautiful young adult.

I agree with Josh - post pics so that we can see your Tarantula's condition. We can help you better if we can see what is wrong. ;-)


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
ah how sad but the spider is lucky as you sound like a very caring owner and i hope that everything works out ok after next moulted. dont be put off of spiders by this as there are many good reputable breeders and dealers.

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