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A sling on the way

Linda Fluekiger

3 Year Member
"Spot" is on her way. She shipped out a few hours ago and will be here tomorrow. I am freaked with worry. I have her home ready. An Exo Terra terrarium, 7" long x 4" wide x 5" high with about 2" of the fine coconut stuff and a bottle cap of water. I need to add a cover for her. I have not purchased her permanent home as of yet. I figure I have a few months with the temp home.


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3 Year Member
I'd go deeper with the substrate if possible. make it just moist enough to hold form if she burrows. That enclosure will last her a molt or 2 until you need to upgrade for more space so you've got a few months.

I like to have the enclosure about 2 or 2.5 times the size of the spider to give them a few molts worth of space before upgrading again. So i'd keep her in that till she's about 3" and then upgrade to a 6" or 7" wide enclosure.

For a hide you can use almost anything. I have a cut up prescription bottle for my boehmei's hide. The rest i have partial tubes of cork bark they burrow under.

Don't worry, you'll do fine with Spot :)

Linda Fluekiger

3 Year Member
I ordered an 8 x 8 x 14 acrylic tarantula cage from Jamie's Tarantulas. If Spot gets 6-8 inches, will this enclosure be big enough?? How different is the g pulchra from the g rosea?


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3 Year Member
I ordered an 8 x 8 x 14 acrylic tarantula cage from Jamie's Tarantulas. If Spot gets 6-8 inches, will this enclosure be big enough?? How different is the g pulchra from the g rosea?

fully grown I'd say no. If it gets up to the 8" mark you'd need at least a 12" wide enclosure i'd think so it has room to moved around. I prefer the rectangular ones, so like a 18" long x 12 wide by 6 or 8" high is what i would go with, or close to that. That would give it plenty of substrate to burrow in, room to add decorations and a hide, and still have ample floor space for the T.

What it boils down to is what you can afford and what you like :)

That's one of the reason i go with the small slings. I get to watch them grow and have plenty of time to decide on what i want to house them in when they're near and up to their full grown size.

Linda Fluekiger

3 Year Member
Still waiting for "Spot" to arrive... Could not sleep last night knowing that she is on a FedEx truck, possible getting cold or worse. It is warm now, above freezing. I am going to change her name. My friend is terrified of spiders. When I was talking to his wife, Eddie was saying, PLEASE do not talk about that spider in front of me!! I started saying "Kitty" will be here tomorrow (yesterday conversation) and I am so excited. Well, I think Kitty is a great name. And even better yet, a black Kitty at that! Black Kitties are good luck for for the optimistic!

Linda Fluekiger

3 Year Member
"Kitty" was delivered in good shape that I know of. She moved in her tube, but has not come out. Nicely packed with a heat pack. OMG!!! She is sooooo tiny!! Not at all what I expected. I expected a little bigger. I need to re-think the small super worm and get her pinhead crickets or meal worms. SOOO tiny! How in the name of coconuts can they sex these tiny things??


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
"Kitty" was delivered in good shape that I know of. She moved in her tube, but has not come out. Nicely packed with a heat pack. OMG!!! She is sooooo tiny!! Not at all what I expected. I expected a little bigger. I need to re-think the small super worm and get her pinhead crickets or meal worms. SOOO tiny! How in the name of coconuts can they sex these tiny things??
How big is she? is she not the 1.5 " ?
Post a couple pictures when you're able :D

Linda Fluekiger

3 Year Member
You can take her out of the packing. Use a clean makeup brush or small paint brushand gently nudge her out. We sat for over an hour waiting on the rosea to come out. Probably could have waited all night lol
When I woke up, she was still in there. I coaxed her out and she is much larger than I thought!! She is the size of a water bottle cap. I just got back from buying pinhead crickets. I will offer her one soon.

Linda Fluekiger

3 Year Member
Awesome, tag me as sometimes I'm on my phone and miss a lot :p
Not sure how to tag... Here is her pic.


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3 Year Member
to tag you type @ and then start typing the person's name, like @kor you'll get a little popup with Kormath in it to click on to create the tag.

He's just a little guy! like my albo and rosea :) i like the small ones to watch them grown and the attitudes develop.

Linda Fluekiger

3 Year Member
to tag you type @ and then start typing the person's name, like @kor you'll get a little popup with Kormath in it to click on to create the tag.

He's just a little guy! like my albo and rosea :) i like the small ones to watch them grown and the attitudes develop.
Thank you so much @kormath (COOL)!!

Linda Fluekiger

3 Year Member
Went to check on her and she was nowhere to be found. Then I remembered someone said she may dig in. Well, she sure did!! If it caves in, can she dig out? Will she come out to feed? Why do they burrow? Security? Is she stressed? My g. rosea has never dug. I am not panicked just yet. Does she need more moisture?


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3 Year Member
she'll be fine :) My Vagans digs down a bit and pull the loose substrate he just removed back in over his head and buries himself. then when i move the enclosure to fill his water dish he climbs back out, then does it again later. They dig to have their own space they escape to, same reason we use a hide. They may also dig down to molt. My vagans did that and it took me a good 30 minutes to find his exo as it was almost the exact color of the substrate he'd been pushing.

My rosea is a big, well really a tiny, chicken. The slightest bump on her enclosure and she's on the move, then will burrow down until she's buried, pulling the sub back over her, against the side of the enclosure. it's funny to watch, i get a good chuckle out of her.

Linda Fluekiger

3 Year Member
she'll be fine :) My Vagans digs down a bit and pull the loose substrate he just removed back in over his head and buries himself. then when i move the enclosure to fill his water dish he climbs back out, then does it again later. They dig to have their own space they escape to, same reason we use a hide. They may also dig down to molt. My vagans did that and it took me a good 30 minutes to find his exo as it was almost the exact color of the substrate he'd been pushing.

My rosea is a big, well really a tiny, chicken. The slightest bump on her enclosure and she's on the move, then will burrow down until she's buried, pulling the sub back over her, against the side of the enclosure. it's funny to watch, i get a good chuckle out of her.
Awesome, thanks!