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A few questions about Tarantula's


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3 Year Member
My G. Rosea literally pounces on anything I put in there.

Look at that booty


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3 Year Member
My C. Minax sealed himself in. He dug up the burrow I made, then dug straight down and closed it off behind him.
Then dug straight back up, making a hole very similar to what you see wild Tarantula's living in.
I threw a roach in his enclosure and it got stuck in the hole he made, I just saw these two black little legs and blam! Roach gone! Never to be seen again.


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3 Year Member
What the hell is my tarantula doing?
It looks really wet and it's like rubbing itself or something with it's legs. I've never seen a T do this. It's doing it nonstop. Is it cleaning itself?
Is it gonna molt? I'm afraid of it not having enough space to molt properly. If he is molting he is completely upright


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Damn so it's difficult to show you properly. I didn't wanna put my flash on if it disturbs him. Basically my Albipolosum sling is doing what looks like what a hamster does, rubbing his legs/pedipalms over himself the whole time. But he looks really wet.

Jess S

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
South Wales
Damn so it's difficult to show you properly. I didn't wanna put my flash on if it disturbs him. Basically my Albipolosum sling is doing what looks like what a hamster does, rubbing his legs/pedipalms over himself the whole time. But he looks really wet.

I think it's grooming itself and yes, they do produce droplets from their 'mouths' when they groom. Someone else I'm sure will post the correct terminology. You're lucky to see this. I saw my tiny LP grooming his legs (it sort of looks like they chew their feet lol) last night, for the first time. But it's so small it's hard to see the details of what it's doing. Can't wait for it to grow!


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Baltimore MD
Your quite persistent in carrying on pointless arguement aren't you?

Spagnam moss only assists in aeration and carries antimicrobial properties if it's saturated. If it's dried it's pretty much doing nothing. In an enclosure where the substrate is dry where is it going to obtain moisture?

Moss actively absorbs and retains moisture. That's how it lives. With dry spiders, you don't really need it. With moisture dependent tarantula species, it's a great way to stabilize humidity.


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3 Year Member
Baltimore MD
Watch your @$$ with the C minax!!

Personally, I wouldn't mess with that one myself, same with the Cobalt blue species.

C minax is considered by some to be the most aggressive tarantula in the hobby. It will outgrow it's enclosure. Be especially mindful when rehousing it. That's usually where complications occur.

For my old worlds, I wear police type gloves that are resistant to needles used by junkies during pat down searches. Galls police catalog sells these to anyone for reasonable prices.

There are many great YouTube videos on rehousing fossoral aggressive tarantulas & yes there are reports of these charging people, running up the arms, biting over and over again. I have no idea how accurate these are.

Complications also arise when people try to keep them like terrestrials. These guys like to dig deep and remain out of sight. They are referred to as pet holes.

There are many OW species that aren't nearly as ornary & most just run away "teleporting" basically like greased lightning.

Still, many people keep these successfully and never get bitten.

Frankly, personally, I don't want to mess with these but I've researched them quite a bit.
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3 Year Member

Can you spot the hole?
My Minax literally moved the moss in such a way that it's almost impossible to see the entrance.

I caught a roach and crushed it a bit, was gonna drop it in the enclosure but couldn't see the hole, ended up dropping the roach right into it by accident and it landed on C. Minax who bolted to the entrance of the hole, then stopped there almost as if he was watching me.
Can't get the roach out in the event that it doesn't die now, because it fell in, but I'm sure Minax can handle it.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Watch your @$$ with the C minax!!

Personally, I wouldn't need with one myself, same with the Cobalt blue species.

C minax is considered by some to be the most aggressive tarantula in the hobby. It will outgrow it's enclosure. Be especially mindful when rehousing it. That's usually where complications occur.

For my old worlds, I wear police type gloves that are resistant to needles used by junkies during pat down searches. Galls police catalog sells these to anyone for reasonable prices.

There are many great YouTube videos on rehousing fossoral aggressive tarantulas & yes there are reports of these charging people, running up the arms, biting over and over again. I have no idea how accurate these are.

Complications also arise when people try to keep them like terrestrials. These guys like to dig deep and remain out of sight. They are referred to as pet holes.

There are many OW species that aren't nearly as ornary & most just run away "teleporting" basically like greased lightning.

Still, many people keep these successfully and never get bitten.

Frankly, personally, I don't want to mess with these but I've researched them quite a bit.
Yeah look, I wasn't exactly planning on getting one, but I was shipped the wrong spider, so what can I do?
It's my responsibility now and I have to take proper precautions when dealing with it, but I also care for it. I don't want it to get hurt or hurt me or any of my dogs.
I have small dogs!

Jess S

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
South Wales
Yeah look, I wasn't exactly planning on getting one, but I was shipped the wrong spider, so what can I do?
It's my responsibility now and I have to take proper precautions when dealing with it, but I also care for it. I don't want it to get hurt or hurt me or any of my dogs.
I have small dogs!

I think you'll be fine. As long as they have enough substrate to construct a burrow (which yours does) their first instinct will be retreat and hide. When it's an adult give it 6-8 inches substrate and it'll feel secure and less likely to freak out.

You'll just have to be on your toes during rehousings. Watch loads of videos of this and other similar species being rehoused to learn how to do it safely yourself when the time comes. :)


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3 Year Member
IIRC just never spray the Avic Avic enclosure humidity is bad! Just water dish and maybe wet the webbing with some water droplets


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3 Year Member
So none of my spiders have molted yet and it's now 28/8 and I got some of them on 19/7 all slings.
Is normal?
Here is my list of spiders;

Jess S

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
South Wales
With that shiny, plump, jet-black abdomen, looks like your LP is going to moult very soon!! How big is it? Mine is a tiny 1cm and I have to squint to see it!! Looks more like an ant than a spider at the moment :D:D

I'm sure the others will be moulting soon too. I know how you feel as I've had my LP since 8th August and get fed up with waiting for it to moult sometimes. But I know the temperatures etc are ok so it'll get round to it eventually!


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
With that shiny, plump, jet-black abdomen, looks like your LP is going to moult very soon!! How big is it? Mine is a tiny 1cm and I have to squint to see it!! Looks more like an ant than a spider at the moment :D:D

I'm sure the others will be moulting soon too. I know how you feel as I've had my LP since 8th August and get fed up with waiting for it to moult sometimes. But I know the temperatures etc are ok so it'll get round to it eventually!
Awesome, I thought he looked very big. He is probably about 2 maybe 2.5cm