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Hi everyone,
This is my P. Metallica I’ve had for almost a year, haven’t actually named it yet as I’m unsure on the sex of it, is anyone able to offer their opinion as to what it looks like?
Thanks :)
I took the plunge today and got a p. vittata, mostly by chance. I wasn’t planning on getting one for a while ( I was actually looking for a sun tiger on the rec of some more experienced keepers) when I found a 2" vittata for less than 80 at a reptile show, and I couldn’t say no (they’re banning...
Hi guys! Here are my questions:
1. Would this be a good 2nd old world?
2. How easy is care?
3. Aggressiveness?
4. I have heard P. species are venomous, is this true? If so, how venomous?
Ive had 2 p.regalis cohabitating for a week or so for breeding. The male has made 2 sperm webs at least since they've been together. At what point should I separate them to do the mock drought/monsoon seasons to entice the female to produce an eggsac? Or should I keep them together until she...
I just had my p. Tigrinawesseli molt out into a mature male almost a week ago. He is already spinning sperm webs and he is close to 7in. I do not have a female for him so I am looking to trade or sell him unless I come across a female for him. I am willing to trade for Poecilotheria species or...
My 2 favorite Pokies are for sale. Both these species are confirmed female and are the only 2 Pokies on the critically endangered list.
1 x Poecilotheria Metallica (Gooty Sapphire Ornamental) 4" - $350
1 x Poecilotheria Hanumavilasumica (Rameshwaram Ornamental) 4" - $350
Cost of...