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  1. ItsukinoKira

    T. vagans acting weird

    Hi everyone! Today I was checking on my tarantulas and I noticed my T. vagans kinda curled up. I immediately tried to move it and fall but after that it started moving. Make it walk towards its water bowl and noticed it dragged some of its legs. I grabbed it to check if it would climb and...
  2. mrotsliah

    Lasiodora parahybana puts dirt clumps in water bowl

    My LP has a habit of putting dirt clumps into her water bowl. Has anyone else had this issue? The dirt clumps seem to be coconut husk mixed with her silk threads. See pictures.
  3. I

    My B.emilia sling is floating?!

    Hey everyone :) No i don‘t have a flying tarantula but sort of a problem tho. I often find my little sling floating on top of the water in her water dish. And I mean often, she‘s been doing this for weeks now. I tried raising humidity but that didnt seem to affect the behaviour, I think the...
  4. Crax

    How to keep a nice pokie :D

    Anyone else have the most chilled pokie? Izzy is a confirmed male poecilotheria regalis and quite the relaxed little beast. I do add stimuli to his enclosure and have done since he was tiny. Such as a tattoo ink cap to carry around, more moss than usual to carry about, two different hides...
  5. ArdorAphonopelma

    Dubia Behavior.

    I asked this on reddit a couple of months ago and wanted a second opinion because the situation changed, Timmy was heavily damaged by the others in the colony, His wings are torn, his left side is flat and one of his antennae is partially gone, I removed him from the colony and placed him inside...