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Here are the species that I currently have for sale, please read all of the Terms & Conditions before ordering! Minimum $25 order!
Aglaopteryx gemma "Key Largo, FL" (Little Gem Roach)
This small but beautiful Ectobiid hails from the southeastern US, and has eluded culture for quite...
Here are the species that I currently have for sale, please read all of the Terms & Conditions before ordering! Minimum $30 order!
Aglaopteryx gemma "Key Largo, FL" (Little Gem Roach)
10 Mixed nymphs: $25
Arenivaga bolliana "Del Rio, TX" (Dark Form) (Boll's Dark Sand Roach)
Here are the species that I currently have for sale, please read all of the Terms & Conditions before ordering! Minimum $30 order!
Aglaopteryx gemma "Key Largo, FL" (Little Gem Roach)
This small but beautiful Ectobiid hails from the southeastern US, and has eluded culture for...
Current Availability List, PM if interested! Minimum order $30 not including shipping!
Compsodes schwarzi (Schwarz's hooded roach)
Second smallest roach in the hobby, prolific and a great micro-feeder!
12 Mixed: $20 + shipping
24 Mixed...
Current Availability List, PM if interested! Minimum order $30 not including shipping!
Compsodes schwarzi (Schwarz's hooded roach)
Second smallest roach in the hobby, prolific and a great micro-feeder!
12 mixed: $20 + shipping
Current Availability List, PM if interested!
Compsodes schwarzi (Schwarz's hooded roach)
Second smallest roach in the hobby, prolific and a great micro-feeder!
12 mixed: $20 + shipping
24 mixed: $30 + shipping
Thought I'd make a thread to show off some of my bioluminescent click beetles, all in the subfamily Pyrophorini. So far I have three of the five US native species (all three collected by @Lucanus95 ), and of course the giant Pyrophorus noctilucus (which are now fairly well established in the US...
Also known as "Warrior beetles". Got two sexed pairs from a friend, these guys are so cool!
Here you can see the metallic blue margin along the elytra and pronotum:
Hopefully I'll be able to breed these guys, I'll certainly try my hardest! :D
Got three of these from Bugsincyberspace, two females and a male! These guys can actually glow in the dark, without a blacklight or anything.
Will try to get pictures of them glowing tonight, but for now, here are some pictures of them in the light of day:
My male is currently curled...
Got a pair of these from a trade with Mastigoproctus on AB, (AKA Micheal Dixon, the owner of Mike's House of A Thousand Legs), and they are very nice! I love the red bordering on these guys, hopefully I will be able to breed them!
This thread is for pictures of Tenebrionids, aka darkling beetles. Feel free to post pics of your ones as well!
Eusattus muricatus:
These guys are really cool, I am keeping them in a medium sized container filled with sand and coconut fiber, and they are eating dead leaves, dog food...
I have 8 juvenile Jerusalem crickets that have been doing good for several months now, these guys are easy to care for if you know what to feed them. These guys are vicious carnivores that need meat in their diet, I have been feeding them dog food, mealworms and roaches. They barely touch any...
After over half a year, my female Grammostola porteri Rosie has finally broke her fast! Not only that, but she ate a roach, (an adult male Parcoblatta americana to be exact), and she has always flat out refused to eat any type of roach. Plus, it was also the first time I successfully tweezer-fed...
Here is a picture thread for all my roaches! :) I hope you guys enjoy!
Blaberus atropos, (these guys have quite variable pronotum patterns):
Byrsotria sp. "Cuba":
Chorisoneura texensis:
Ergaula capucina:
Somewhat freshly molted male