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Golden tufted jumper guarding brood
This P. aureus is old and cant scale smooth stuff well anymore and has made a sheet-style eggsac- allowing me to watch the development- which is really cool because you're generally not allowed to see this!
Can I ask, these are way cute and friendly Id love to get some however silly the question I know but I got to ask, Ive seen people have them out and on their hands ect, if they jump how do you find em? Sorry for being silly but I just got to know.
Can I ask, these are way cute and friendly Id love to get some however silly the question I know but I got to ask, Ive seen people have them out and on their hands ect, if they jump how do you find em? Sorry for being silly but I just got to know.
They generally let you know if theyre gonna be handleable. If they dont like it they will instantly try to jump off, but you sometimes will get 'players' that want a look at you and seek your hand and dont freak out.

Mostly they just dangle from you on a line and climb back up. Gotta really earn their trust first before handling.

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