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New profile posts

Casey can you do international shipping for tarantula in from UAE
Casey K.
Casey K.
Sorry for the late response. I do but not just for one spider or a few. I would have to post an import list and have several folks that want to purchase prior to importing.....very similar to what Austin S does from 03arachnids.
If you decide to do this please let me know
Casey K.
Casey K.
I sure will! :)
Lasiodora parahybana is an under rated tarantula. They are so social and intelligent, and beautiful as well. They should be worth more...
Not here for contention or strife but I'm here to learn, love, and laugh, (I only laugh at gossip because it's funny how some people take it seriously).
Sometimes we see noobs panic stricken over their T's and we want to come to the rescue, but what I have learned is that we need to do our homework before coming to their rescue. We cannot be defined by level of experience but rather we are defined by our dedication and wisdom as keepers.
It's a very different creature when we decide to take a T into our lives. Thank you guys for being so reassuring and helpful. I've come a long way in a week.
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We are here for you and I am really happy you are learning at an accelerated level :)
There are truly amazing and knowledgeable people here in the forum, it's a shame that some noobs come in to try and tarnish that with drama, SMH. Love my forum family!
Never take for granted the people that actually love you, I thank God for them. Thank You, Lord for all of my tarantulas as well! Thankful to even breathe in the midst of a pandemic that's taking breath away, thankful for the mercy and grace of God...
Some members I haven't seen on here in ages, miss my peoples....
@m0lsx I been thru hell this year but making a comeback. Gonna miss @Phil but I'm glad you're still around good to hear from you again.
I was out of the hobby for the last year and a half because I invited 3 in-laws to live in my house and needed the room. Well my mother in law got married last month and took my bro in law with her so I’m back baby! At about 27 but about half of those are MF and I’ve actually already started some breeding projects lol. God I love this hobby
It takes a particular sort of masochist to become obsessed with solifugae.

*whips self on back 40 times*
Hey, I just discovered this part!!!! Hey yall!! Thanks for the warm welcomes in my introduction thread :)
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Right i just found it on my profile too.
Hello Enzo! I miss you guys and thank you for the well wishes! I am gradually stepping back into things (nothing too fast) and look forward to speaking to you soon guys! Much love!!!!!
1st day on this forum, much bigger than i initially thought o_O.
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Stick around, new friend. It will be amazing how much you learn AND how fun it is!
I will definitely, i'm much better at finding my way around thankfully :) It's so fun and cool to see all these cool and amazing T's and learning about them! :D
Hey Matt I was told you might need a MM OBT. I am from Sacramento, CA
NukaMedia Exotics
NukaMedia Exotics
Hi unfortunately I do not actually need a MM OBT at the moment, however I do have some other species that I'm in search of. This is the current list of species that I'm looking for mature males of:

B. boehmei
C. versicolor
H. devamatha
I. mira
L. polycuspulatus
P. ultramarinus
P. sp. “Mascara”
P. sp. “Tigris”
P. atrichomatus
P. fasciata
P. metallica
P. regalis
P. striata
P. vittata
P. irminia