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For some or other reason my chaco golden knee wont eat! he hasnt eaten for close to 2 months now and he use to eat up to 2 crickets per day!! any help on this?
Sounds like you're feeding him wayyyyy too much. One or two a week will suffice. He is probably full. He could also be in pre molt. T's have been recorded to go months, if not a year without food. As long as it has water available everything is okay. I wouldn't sweat it.
Two crickets a day is too much, imo. I agree that your T is probably full and/or in pre-moult. I only feed my T's 1-2 crickets per week (the slings get fed 1 cricket twice a week), and they are all extremely healthy. Also 2 months really isn't that long for a T to go without food, many species will go much longer than that and drive their keepers crazy lol. They will eat when they are hungry, so as long as his abdomen isn't shriveled or shrunken looking he's probably fine. Also you mention it is a 'he', is there any way he could be a mature male? Mature males tend to only have breeding on their minds and typically do not eat as much as females or non-mature males.
i havent sexed it yet, i just always refur to it as a 'he'... i fed him relatively small crickets and i thought that he wont eat if he isnt hungry! sometimes he ate twice per day, then some days he didnt eat at all which all seemed pretty normal to me! he stopped eating about a month before molting and its been about a month later and still nothing!
I agree with Bast and Kurt, too much feeding. Feed mine once a week, with exception to my slings...feed them twice a week, especially when they are still on pinheads.