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What would be a good special snack for a T?


3 Year Member
When your T is full grown you can feed live pinkie mice once or twice a year as a special treat; larger species can also be fed small house geckos or something even larger, for example I have given my Lasiadora parahybana adult female a newborn quail chick on her birthday. Just be aware that your T will dump the remains somewhere in their enclosure and if you don't pull it out quickly it'll start to stink VERY quickly.
I have heard they like earth worms. Obviously you want to make sure its from a safe source, raised for feeding
Maybe look those up.
I looked those up a long time ago because you can get a lot for your money or dig your own. If I remember correctly, I decided to not use them because they normally are high in parasites. Slugs and snails have the same issue. I suppose that lots of people get by with eating them, but I'll leave that to the French. ;)


New Member
Denver, Colorado
When your T is full grown you can feed live pinkie mice once or twice a year as a special treat; larger species can also be fed small house geckos or something even larger, for example I have given my Lasiadora parahybana adult female a newborn quail chick on her birthday. Just be aware that your T will dump the remains somewhere in their enclosure and if you don't pull it out quickly it'll start to stink VERY quickly.
Thanks for the tips! I will definitely not be feeding her a quail chick, as I would personally have a mental breakdown if I did haha. What about those chunky green worms that you feed to most pet frogs?


Thanks for the tips! I will definitely not be feeding her a quail chick, as I would personally have a mental breakdown if I did haha. What about those chunky green worms that you feed to most pet frogs?
Those are called horn worms, and yes, you can feed those as a treat. All of my Ts love them (except for my slings, I dont give them horn worms) and they're great to use if a T needs some extra plumping up as well. I just make sure I get a variety of sizes.
"when I am able to get my hands on one" Hahaha. I am curious as to how one would possibly catch a wild pigeon lol.
It's about knowing the right people.
Down the street there lives an eccentric old lady who lives in a shoe.
She likes to hang out at the park and feed pigeons. I keep an eye out for the game warden. It's illegal to bait game when you are hunting.
Do you hunt or have family that does?
I feed my Goliath Bird Eater a pigeon when I'm able to get my hands on one.
At 11:23 is my T blondi, "Goliath Bird eater."
I had some issues with the neighbors when it escaped once.



Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
The Oregon rain forest
At 11:23 is my T blondi, "Goliath Bird eater."
I had some issues with the neighbors when it escaped once.

Grammostola rosea "Chilean rosehair"...no Theraphosa in that film. ;) :D

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