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What are the signs of a nearly 3 year old tarantula molting

boo boo 86

3 Year Member
Ok I'll buy different substrate tomorrow.no she hasn't got worse she been the same. She has also webbed and moved the moss. I hoping she will pull through.

boo boo 86

3 Year Member
Could her been knocked have anything to do with it. So sorry for going on i just want to rule out everything so it doesn't happen to my other T's.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Ok I'll buy different substrate tomorrow.no she hasn't got worse she been the same. She has also webbed and moved the moss. I hoping she will pull through.

That sounds very promising then. Mine wouldn't eat, drink, or web. It just pretty much sat in one spot and occasionally tried to move in that spastic motion (and went nowhere). I do hope that yours pulls through...please keep us updated.

And thanks so much; I love that little parvulus! :)


Well-Known Member
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Tarantula Club Member
Could her been knocked have anything to do with it. So sorry for going on i just want to rule out everything so it doesn't happen to my other T's.

Please, no worries...I did the exact same thing with mine. I was trying not to rule anything out. Did she fall from far up? It seems more of a neurological issue than something physical caused by injury, but anything is possible.

boo boo 86

3 Year Member
She hasn't fallen but I kept her on a shelf with my other t and a fish tank the cat jumps up at the fish and the shelf wobbles just thinking stress?!?!

boo boo 86

3 Year Member

boo boo 86

3 Year Member
This is kadie the Web on the leaves are about 5 days old. How do i get her out the tank to change substrate I'm wanting to give her viv a good wash before putting new substrates in.


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Not wet wet but damp

You know, that might be the problem. They generally hate moist or damp substrate. I've heard of them "tiptoeing" and walking strangely when they find the sub too moist. Was the substrate you had before you changed it dry?

boo boo 86

3 Year Member
Ok so many different people are telling me different things to do with tarantulas I used coco fibre in her tank and people was screwing on here saying I shouldn't use that. So I changed it then telling me that it needs to be damp. I read different care sheets and they all say different things dunno what to follow.


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It's possible then that she is fussing because of the new, moist substrate. Honestly, if her motions are just like the T's in the video, it's likely not the sub; I'm just trying to think of causes that don't involve a sick tarantula. If you do decided to change the sub, try to put all dry in her enclosure and see if that fixes the problem.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to confuse you about the husbandry; I'm trying to troubleshoot other possible causes of her behavior. I'm not sure who told you not to use coco fiber or why, but there is nothing wrong with it. Although I now use topsoil and peat, I used coco fiber for years. For dry species especially, it works fine. I switched from using it because it can get pricey and becomes a bit too dry and fluffy for my moisture seeking fossorial species. Many folks still use it and swear by it.

I can tell you that I have two "rose hairs", a sling and an adult, and they absolutely do NOT like it wet. Again, someone apparently provided you with some misinformation. I've kept my female G. porteri ("rose hair") for almost 20 years, and she has been on dry substrate with a water dish the entire time. When I first got her, I was told to spray down the substrate. I did, and she spent several days on the walls of her enclosure. I learned my lesson after that and never did it again.
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boo boo 86

3 Year Member
She does fuss when it comes to soil if she doesn't like it then she will stay ontop of her hide out amongst the leaves. Aarrgghh. They said because they are tarantulas and in the wild they don't walk on coco fibre and to make it like she was in the wild n that's why I changed. No your helping me and giving me advise so don't be sorry I appreciate everything your saying. If it was the sub would she walk normally?? Thinking if I got her out n see what she is like then. I dunno you give me a little hope :) so wanna try everything and anything.


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3 Year Member
That video on page 1 is hard to watch !!! Never watched a T with DKS before.
No video phases me usually . I watch stuff on YouTube . People being hurt killed etc but that got me
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Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
She does fuss when it comes to soil if she doesn't like it then she will stay ontop of her hide out amongst the leaves. Aarrgghh. They said because they are tarantulas and in the wild they don't walk on coco fibre and to make it like she was in the wild n that's why I changed. No your helping me and giving me advise so don't be sorry I appreciate everything your saying. If it was the sub would she walk normally?? Thinking if I got her out n see what she is like then. I dunno you give me a little hope :) so wanna try everything and anything.

Unfortunately, it sounds like you fell victim to a keeper who stated an opinion like was a fact. I've seen keepers give folks a hard time for coco fiber, and it irritates me. Do they walk on coco fiber in the wild? No, However, they also don't live in glass or plastic containers with water dishes and plastic plants and have someone who drops food to them once a week. The fact is, folks have been using coco fiber for Ts for quite some time, and it works fine. In this instance, a keeper forced his/her opinion on you as fact and caused you to question your husbandry and change the substrate unnecessarily. Ugh.

Moving the tarantula again to replace the substrate will cause it a bit of stress. However, if I were in your shoes and worried that it might be showing "DKS" symptoms, I might do it just for piece of mind. Worst case scenario, it doesn't work and her spastic motions are the sign of something more serious. Best case scenario, she walks normal, you're no longer stressed, and the T is no longer stressed by the moist sub. Whatever you do, best of luck!


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
That video on page 1 is hard to watch !!! Never watched a T with DKS before.
No video phases me usually . I watch stuff on YouTube . People being hurt killed etc but that get me

Yes, that was VERY difficult to watch. I only recorded it because it shows truly spastic movements. A lot of folks see their tarantula walking funny and immediately think that it has "DKS" symptoms. The video gives folks a reference to compare to.

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