Hello! I have Arachnophobia really bad and I came into this Forum for more research. I have awesome news, I bought my first Tarantula today! It's a Brachypelma hamorii, Mexican Red Knee, and I am so excited! It is a sling, which I don't think is recommended to beginner Tarantula keepers (aka, me) but I will try my best to keep it happy and healthy! The shop employee attempted to feed it for me, but it didn't eat, so I'm hoping that's a sign of pre-molt! I'm very excited about this T, and I am hoping it's a female! I already have a female name picked out, Penelope. What do you think? I wanted a cutesy name because of my Arachnophobia. I don't want to name it something where I'm going to be afraid of it, like Satan or something, Lol. But I have no idea what a good "cutesy" male name would be. I was thinking Monty because I have always liked that name. (Sorry if you think my names are dumb.) But if anyone would like to suggest some good "friendly" names, I would love to read them! Anyway, here is a couple pictures of my new sling! Thank you for reading