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T escaped into vent


New Member
Denver, Colorado
My little tarantula escaped into my friend's (who is scared of spiders) vent. Could she get into someone else's apartment through the vent? Is she dead from the heat of the vent? Will she show up randomly in my friend's apartment? Is there a timeline of when this might happen/where she might go? Are there ways to try and lure her out? HELP!

Casey K.

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I have had spiders escape and I am almost certain they always find their way outside. The will look for sources of food and water. Not sure how you would lure her out. Only time will tell if she decides to come back out on her own. You could call animal control and see if they have any ideas on how to retrieve a tarantula out of a ventilation system. It has happened to me a few times with slings.


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Queens, NY
The only time one of my Ts made an escape was 23-24 years ago.
It was a B. emilia, she managed to pop the steel ventilation mesh and made a run for it while I was at work. I was traumatized by the experience (and my girlfriend living with me almost left me). I flipped and checked every inch square of the place, methodically without any luck. Two week later, as we were on the couch watching TV, she just slowely crossed the living room in from of us, with a nonchalant attitude. After a little tap on her back leg she went straight on my end and back in her tank. She went straight for the water dish but was unarmed and quite healthy. As I consider myself lucky on this one, I am not saying the same will happen to you but it doesn't hurt to keep your hopes up ;)
Break a leg.
My little tarantula escaped into my friend's (who is scared of spiders) vent. Could she get into someone else's apartment through the vent? Is she dead from the heat of the vent? Will she show up randomly in my friend's apartment? Is there a timeline of when this might happen/where she might go? Are there ways to try and lure her out? HELP!
Oh no spidysoph!
Sorry to hear that.
I'm taking a break and decided to check in.
I've cleaned a lot of heat vents and although they capture lots of dust and debris, they are not very spider friendly habitats. I think that it will come out on its own pretty soon. Either that or will die from the heat or quick dehydration, sorry to say. That is why I'm responding now rather than later.

If it were mine, I'd slowly shine a light without touching the grill to see if its in one of slots.

Enlist the help of the friend. You need more than one hand.
They hold the flashlight exactly where you need it.
Everything must be prepared.
Furniture moved as far away as possible, including hide places nearby.
I would get a cardboard box or any flat cookie sheet...whatever you can quickly seal the vent with once it is out. It will likely want to escape capture back to that big hole if it runs out, or falls onto the surrounding floor as you remove the vent.
Also get a large container to have next to you while kneeling,. This is where the vent is examined.
Cats and dogs MUST be removed from any way of getting in there. They will at least get in the way.
Get the stuff prepared immediately.
Time is of the essence. Details to come.

1. Have the cardboard or flat sheet ready for your friend to slide across the vent just in case. Lay it flat against the floor with edge against the vent. He holds the flashlight with fresh batteries preferred. An extra light for you too.

2. Try not to disturb the area with excessive movement. That means no music or unnecessary vibrations. No smoking. That would alert it and you could lose your advantage. If your dad ever took you hunting, think of stealth mode, hunting for your T.

3. Two capture cups of clear light plastic if available. One for each of you. Sheet of card stock paper or stiff thin plastic to slowly and ever so carefully slide under cup while you are watching through the clear container. Look up a quick demo that will likely be on this forum.

4. Remove screws, if present, with appropriate driver...flat head or x.

5. Use flat screw driver or putty knife, finger nails, etc. to gently pry up the vent grill. I think It is more likely here, just underneath. Remove the register/cover grill. As soon as you very, very, slowly pull it off.....did I say slowly.....WHY?
It may be the one chance you get to not scare it deep into the ductwork where you can't see it. It also could be on the outer walls of the vent cover, inside the ductwork, and get harmed or scraped off.
As gently as if you didn't want to wake it, lift the vent off and hold directly down in a large container where its not going anywhere if it drops off. At the time you have the vent in the container, your friend needs to be looking in the vent with as little movement as possible looking for signs of movement and the tiny sling before immediately shining on the removed vent. If it scares deeper, then at least you know where it is.

7. Inspect every nook and corner of the vent before placing it aside. Also scan the floor around you.

8. The rest is a patient waiting game.
I'd check frequently with as little movement as possible. Remember to think like your sling. It wants to be safe.
It doesn't like the uncomfortable hot blowing air. It wants to come in your direction if it can. I would expect to see it when the heat blows or shortly after.

Men, women, boys and girls hunt all over the country this time of year. Some are way up in windy trees on metal stands. Some sitting still as possible quietly waiting for many hours to feed their families. They make the most of it and make it as positive and comfortable an experience as possible. I would try to get comfortable on a pillow or chair and do that.

As to alerting the other apartments?.....
It's your call. You are considering others which is very responsible.
If it were a venomous snake or something that could endanger them, I would. I think that you said that it was a B. smithi (?), if I remember: I don't think anyone would be harmed. I think that the only one harmed would be you and your friend if you started telling neighbors, strangers, gov employees or building manager. Someone is likely to have a phobia and God only knows what could result.
If your sling is in there very long, it likely won't make it.....if the heater kicks on frequently. I might be wrong, but I doubt if it's making rounds to the other apartments. Nobody would likely think of it as anything other than a common spider. It also isn't likely to find another lost B. smithi to overwhelm the everglades or whatever environment you live.

Break over.
I will pray for its safe return to you as I trust that you have already done too.


New Member
Denver, Colorado
hello! first of ALL- thank you SO much for this very detailed, thought out plan of yours. I really do appreciate the time you took to write all this just to help a fellow T fanatic! This forum will never cease to amaze me with the uncountered support & advice you all offer, I am so lucky to be a part of this (kinda weird) family. I will definitely be trying these methods. However, important to note that my T is not a sling, she's about a year and a half old, so not full-grown but still definitely would not be thought of as a common spider if seen by someone else (3.5 inches in length I'd say). She is also an Avicularia Avicularia (pink toe), but that's less important as that breed is also not very dangerous at all to humans and animals alike. That being said, the ironic thing is that I was taking her out to show my friend that spiders are friends as she has pretty severe arachniphobia, but was open to the idea nonetheless. I feel terrible that my baby escaped in her apartment, rather than mine (not like I would especially love the idea of a loose T in my home (nor would anyone, even on those on this forum, I would assume), but I would definitely be more comfortable with the idea than someone who is afraid of spiders)). I have done lots of research and have heard various possibilities of what is more likely to happen, the most support I have in a conclusion is that she will eventually end up outside, living the rest of her life in the "wilderness" of Denver, Colorado (preferable to her dying in the vent or ending up in someone else's apartment). Anyways, I will keep you all updated with the search for Lucile. :)
PS: If you haven't seen your sling yet, I would not give up hope. Here's a few tips that you have already probably considered but may want to communicate to your friend about.
If there's anything in the room that needs put away, ie. Laundry basket of clothes, etc. If there's another place for them, that means less places to hide when it decides to come out .

Comfort your friend that its not going to hurt them. I hope that they didn't watch the Tarantula movies that I posted each week in October. ;)

I would show a youtube video on how to catch a sling. Then I would demonstrate and ask them to do it too. That way, when you aren't there, it won't be a big deal if they see it.

Keep praying and looking up to Him .
Right after asking for the Lord to help you get your sling back, I was reminded to ask for something that I lost too. It was just a wool buff, but I use it almost daily this time of year. I looked for it everywhere.
Only about 15 minutes later, guess what? It showed up! Not a coincidence.

Hope you find it soon!


I wonder if it would be beneficial to set up an environment that would tempt the t out of the vent? Since it is an A. avic, set up a cardboard tube (or tape a bundle of tubes for stability) and attach some silk plants to the top. Hopefully the t will feel secure enough to climb up the tubes, maybe even setting up house among the leaves?

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