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Hello, I have a rose hair tarantula who usually eats once a week. It has been over two weeks now since she has eaten, is this normal? She's on a mixture of dirt and bark substrate and her temps are usually 80-85F.
First it's completely normal Especially with Rose hairs, they are notorious for fasting for long periods of time, so two weeks is nothing to worry about. Just keep offering her food once a week, she'll eat when she's hungry. Second, please get her off the bark substrate right away! A lot of barks have natural pesticides that can cause problems for Tarantulas, plus bark substrate can cause injuries as well. I would suggest Eco-earth (coco fibre or coco coir) as a substrate, and make sure to leave no more than 1.5 the tarantula's leg span from the top of the enclosure to prevent injuries from falling
I have a mm rosea I got it 3 month ago and it has fasted snece I got it. Im preaty sure they got rid of it cuz it stoped eating when it hit its mutare stage and started trying to get out and fine a mate.