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Riddle me this


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
I've been meaning to give you guys an update but i keep getting distracted with work.
So i tried to remove the moss out her tank but she just doesn't want me to remove it, but i do want to try remove most of it because it just seems to be far to much in her tank at the moment, but she is honestly not allowing me to remove it.

If she's grabbing on to it, leave it for the time being. It's really not hurting anything. Then, when she's away from it, place a cup over her while you safely take it out. No use risking a bite or escape over a non-emergency. :)


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
I've been meaning to give you guys an update but i keep getting distracted with work.
So i tried to remove the moss out her tank but she just doesn't want me to remove it, but i do want to try remove most of it because it just seems to be far to much in her tank at the moment, but she is honestly not allowing me to remove it.

You need some tongs.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
I don't understand how she can completely prevent you from being able to remove it. Just put something between you and the spider (a piece of cardboard for example) some type of barrier. Or push her back and place a deli cup or clear container of some kind over her and then take the moss out. There are always ways around these things, you just have to think really creatively :)


3 Year Member
South Africa
I was able to remove it. Probably the best thing i did, i just scooped her out and removed it by hand. i put her back in and she did a happy dance almost instantly. was awesome to see!

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