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Poki victims, please share your stories!

Mera Mera no Mi

3 Year Member
My first T was a Poki. I was told never to handle for both safety for the T and myself. Never got bitten, knocks on wood, when it came to re-housing I just gently moved him/she to another container. Accidents do happen when, not a perfect world, people do get tag by a venomous animal. That is when the media loves to characterize that we are all just mindless irresponsible people who don’t know how to keep or handle our animals. It is the exact propaganda that really makes me sick.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
If it helps your research any, we all know spiders are individuals, but both my adult female regalis and my juvie metallica have spazzed and teleported onto me. Neither were aggressive at all, just startled, and were coaxed back in their enclosures by hand. The metallica gets in pissy moods but is mostly chill. The regalis doesnt care to be moved or manipulated, and has a large collection of paint brushes :) I think a bite could be painful, but neither will bite me if I use my head and stay calm.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I have a horrific story that literally happened about an hour ago.... My P.Vittata is a total sweetheart, I'd rather hold it than my G.Porteri but I thought it great to show off in front of my mate and got it out... Ran off me and under the sofa which I moved and caught its leg resulting in a terrible injury which was bleeding profusely, ICU time, picked "Eleanor" up put it in and it has now dislodged its injured leg... Here's me after the accident, see the horrible injury..

Now here is the leg

I'm deeply ashamed of myself and I've reluctantly posted this just to give a little advice that a bite is not all you should consider when you try to show off.... The T is doing fine and back in its enclosure... I've learned a valuable lesson....
Cheering you on, Shampain. Here's to a fast recovery.

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