I just came from the exotic pet shop with 4 P. smithi slings. I wanted to make a Poecilotheria communal and decided to try with a smithi. There were 2 small enclosures with 3 slings in each one so they transferred one in the enclosure of the other three. At the moment, they are in a small plastic enclosure but I'm planning on moving them in a bigger one tomorrow. With three of the slings recently molted and one in premolt, there isn't aggression between them. I'm planning on getting the other two when I collect the money and if they aren't sold. We'll see what happens. I've posted some pics. I'd be glad if someone more experienced with communals gives me some advice or shares experience.
I just came from the exotic pet shop with 4 P. smithi slings. I wanted to make a Poecilotheria communal and decided to try with a smithi. There were 2 small enclosures with 3 slings in each one so they transferred one in the enclosure of the other three. At the moment, they are in a small plastic enclosure but I'm planning on moving them in a bigger one tomorrow. With three of the slings recently molted and one in premolt, there isn't aggression between them. I'm planning on getting the other two when I collect the money and if they aren't sold. We'll see what happens. I've posted some pics. I'd be glad if someone more experienced with communals gives me some advice or shares experience.