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please help me with identification, this is very new for me XD


New Member
3 Year Member
the netherlands
hi guys, i hope im in the right place for this, first of all this aint about tarantula's. (they stil freak me out a little bit)

this morning during my work at a local greenhouse here in the netherlands. i noticed this little dude crawling and jumping on the ground. I took a closer look and saw a jumping spider i'd never seen before. i scooped him up and decide to take him home because he would defenitly have died crawling in the middle of a concrete hallway. he looked odd in comparison with the jumping spiders i normally seen around here so my guess was that he's not from the netherlands (maybe even europe??). if it would be possible i would really like to keep him as pet. here's some more information and photo's

the greenhouse i work in grows anthuriums
all the plants are completely grown in the netherlands. (no import of seedlings/saplings)
we do have a lot of stuff from asia like vases and other glass or plastic ornaments we decorate or put the plants with.(ive found a gecko in a vase from china before)
right now he is on top of my anole terrarium so he wont die because of the cold.

my questions are
-what is the species?
-can i keep him as pet
-if so what kind of habitat does he need (humidity, cover)*
-what food does he need, i breed crickets for my anoles and i could throw in a few very small ones.(i can also get fruitflies from a local petshop)

anyways, thank you for taking the time to read all this, maybe this impulsive decision can evolve into a new hobby ;).
i excuse for any linguistic mistakes and the bad quality of the pictures (i had to use zoom)

greetz, niels


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Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
It's certainly a cutie and I'd keep it as a pet as they are fascinating little creatures. They need a fair amount of space to allow them to jump so a container of at least 4" x4" and 5" high would work. I kept a water bowl in mine but I also sprayed the side every few days. Either fruit flies or small crickets will be perfect for feeding, they will attack food that it almost their size.
Species I can't help with but enjoy your new little friend.


New Member
3 Year Member
the netherlands
thank you very much, he just ate a pinhead cricket which really suprised me. for the moment i just took a 5 inch high jar with a 3,5 inch diameter, added some cocohusk a few dead leaves and sticks. i will look for something more permant.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
They like their food and will eat every 2-3 days. I gave mine a piece of wood and plastic plant but it preferred to use the sides of the container to web on.

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