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OBT's are awesome! I was unsure about it at first, but Kenny gave me some awesome advice, and now I can't imagine not having Chaos here! She's our true architect, and definitely gorgeous!
Wow...are they arboreal or terrestrial? If they have a significantly venomous bite, do you think it's safe to have them in the same house as small children? (I have younger siblings.) Of course I would never let anyone's hands in the cage, or try to handle it.
They are semi-arboreal, but mine seems to act more terrestrial now that I've moved her into a bigger home. They do have a significant bite, and I do have small animals and a 7 year old son. I've taught him to respect all of our T's, he is very aware that none of their cages/enclosures are to be messed with and I am very careful with her and always make sure her cage is closed securely.