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New T. stermi....heating?


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1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Beginner or advanced, nothing can really prepare you with a T you decide to keep if you don't do research and be responsible about it. What makes it a beginner or advance species in the first place is the difficulty in keeping up with its husbandry,i.e., setup requirements, feeding, rehousing, etc. You can easily end up with a dead T or putting your T and yourself in danger. I have always practiced safety but I do have some dead Ts in my list.

Stepping up the learning curve through watching videos and asking through forums can prepare you somewhat but know that each T can have its own unique characteristics that sometimes just go against the grain for generalization.

So, if you yourself is feeling apprehensive for keeping a certain species as your first T, what is your reason for being so? There really is no right or wrong answer here as long as you're prepared and is responsible. Just my two cents. :D