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new rose hair owner


New Member
3 Year Member
I just recently purchased a male(I hope), juvenile, captive born Grammostola rosea. I put him in a 10 gallon tank with 3 inches of eco-earth coconut husk substrate and a water dish with a screened top. I put a night time UV basking light on one side and a small water dish on the colder side. The temperature is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity is around 35%. He immediately has made a burrow on the hot side and has webbed the whole bottom of the aquarium. He is also drinking a lot of water. Hopefully he is happy.


Active Member
3 Year Member
New Jersey
I would ditch the light since they aren't necessary and sometime stress the tarantula or create unnecessary heat. Have any pics?

Pearl Dusenbery

Active Member
3 Year Member
Welcome to the addiction. I agree to ditch the light because you are basically blinding ur T. UV light is just as harmful to them as it is to us. If you need heat in the tank because you keep your house cold I would suggest a red light because to a T red is like pitch black so it doesn't bother them. Most T's are comfortable at the same temps that we r. The best thing u can do is get "The Tarantula Keepers Guide" by Schultz and Schultz here is a link to it on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/0764138855/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_awdb_tEjyybJSM9KD2 there is a lot of great info in it and there is a section specifically for G. Rosea in there :T:

Can't wait to c some pics of him/her. We LOVE pics here