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New Pokie


New Member
Essex, UK
So, I took the plunge and brought a female P. Metallica; brought her from an Invert Show and she is just gorgeous.

I’m new to the hobby and have a Curly Hair, Red Knee, Gold Knee and a Pink Toe.

My new Pokie scares me a little as she’s sooooo fast!

I know they are for experienced keepers, but I’m hoping she will be fine ☺️

Tarantula Trooper

Active Member
3 Year Member
Biggest thing to remember with the Old Worlders is stay calm! You will get threat posed, slapped at, and bolts galore! Keep rehouses simple as possible. The last time I moved my Phormingochilus Rufus and Arboricola they sat on their cork bark, as arboreals will , and I moved them cork bark and all to their new enclosure! They ended up with 2 vertical cork barks.lol. They experienced minimal stress and so did my son and I! If they do get ballistic, let them calm down and go again! No shame in either case! It's more about keeping them as stress free as possible during a extremely stressful event! Last rehouse we did was our H. Mac that's pushed past the 2.5" mark and like most didn't want to leave its enclosure. It eventually bolted like mad and I told him ( my son) to let her run a bit. We do the bathtub thing ( lots of space) and he/she ran up the side and hid behind a shampoo bottle and from there it was easy to get them to catch cup and to the new enclosure! Just stay cool! I have left entire enclosures within the new if there's room! Easier and super stress free! These are a few things that can help when dealing with fast, defensive Tarantula's. I also think some part of their old home helps with the stress thing as well. It has their pheromones so it's familiar to them and helps with the transition. I'm sure you will do fine and P. Metallica are uber stunning. Wish I had one.lol


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Baltimore MD
So, I took the plunge and brought a female P. Metallica; brought her from an Invert Show and she is just gorgeous.

I’m new to the hobby and have a Curly Hair, Red Knee, Gold Knee and a Pink Toe.

My new Pokie scares me a little as she’s sooooo fast!

I know they are for experienced keepers, but I’m hoping she will be fine ☺️
The main thing with pokies is just don't handle them. Keep them in cages that open from the top to prevent escapes and include a cork bark round to help them de-stress. Rehousing can get interesting.


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