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New here


New Member
3 Year Member
Hello everyone,

I'm new to keeping Tarantulas have always been fascinated but a little scared of spiders so after working in a Reptile shop and getting used to being around them I decided to embrace them and get 3 brachypelma species; curly hair, red knee and red rump. The curly hair and red rump are both juvs and the red knee is a sling.

Looking forward to learning and sharing with you all


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Great choices. It's nice to see a person who is just starting out who has something besides a G.rosea. Nothing against people who do (My first tarantula was a Rosie), but there are so many species out there that are more beginner friendly. Personally I don't have the patience to raise a B.smithi from a sling (I bought mine as a juvenile) since they grow so slow, but you'll love it when it starts to get some color. Even the males are gorgeous. These are all very easy to care for. Just give them something to hide under and a water dish (bottle cap for the sling, it won't drown either) ,and keep the substrate dry. Very non-demanding spiders.