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Hi. I just found your wonderful site. I don't currently own a T. The problem i have is convincing my wife we need one. This will take time, effort and maybe a hefty bribe.
The best way to convince her is to do loads of research so she can see how determined you are. Plan how and where you are going to keep it, and make sure you point out how secure its housing will be. Maybe take her to a pet shop so she can see some, hopefully she'll fall for them.
I'm still scared of spiders but I love my tarantulas.
For some reason most women are just wired not to like Tarantulas, snakes, lizards and frogs. One reason I like going to Reptile conventions is you get to meet women who like all these types of pets.
Has she given any type of reason why she doesn't want you to have one? Most of the time it is an innate fear of crawling things or their potential danger. If you show her that it will be kept under lock and key may help along with you choosing a species that is known to be docile. I have a huge female Chaco Gold Knee(G. pulchripes) that has never flicked hair at me or ever shown any type of aggression. I've had it since it was a 1/3" spiderling.
I'm gonna have to be blunt here. You have to accept the fact that you may not be able to convince her. Some people are just closed-minded when it comes to things like having spiders in one's home. They're not exactly the most loved animals on our planet.
I have always wanted Ts. I would have been happy with 1 or 2. After we had one for a month or so mt wife started to like them more and more.
Now when we go to shows and stuff I have to convince her why we DONT need another one. 15 Ts later!
Thanks for the words of support guys. My wife didn't like spiders when I first met her, but over the years she has learnt to respect them and her fear of spiders is not so great now. I have introduced the subject to my children, and they are now asking if we can get one. I am beginning to sense that my wife will finally relent and let me have one. I will keep you posted.